Sugar industry
The case of the privilege of the secret adviser to the Muravyev at the new way of production of sugar
The case of the privilege of Chemist Schriszbahu on the way of producing sugar from beets invented
The case of the privilege of the college Assoror Shishkov at the device for hot washing of beets invented
Nikolai Shishkov(1793-1869), an owner of the sugar plants, a member of many scientists and agricultural Russian and foreign societies, the author of works on agriculture, a participant in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Foreign campaigns of the Russian army. From 1822 to 1847, he served in the Ministry of Public Education. From 1817 he was actively engaged in agriculture in his estate. In 1829 he opened a sugar beet plant in Speshnevo. In 1833 he invented a new method of extracting sugar from beet and made many discoveries in this area. From 1834, he was a chairman of the Sugar Entrepreneurs Committee. In 1847, Shishkov initiated the establishment of the Lebedyan Agricultural Society in the town of Lebedyan.
Relevant document available in the Presidential Library's collections: Notes of the Lebedyan Agricultural Society. Moscow, 1847-1860
The case of issuing privileges to the college adviser to Davydov to the apparatus enhanced by it to extract the juice from the beet
Dmitry Davydov (1786–1851), a Collegiate Councillor and Special Assignment Officer of the Moscow Military Governor-General. He began his service in the Collegiums of Foreign Affairs, participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, was a member of the Union of Prosperity, but after 1821 did not take part in the Decembrist organizations. He served under the Moscow Military Governor-General until 1827 and from 1832 to 1846. He was a sugar manufacturer, member of the Moscow Agricultural Society, author of relevant works.
The case of issuing chamber-unker by Prince Repnoun and the guarantile of the Lukovsky Privileges of the cylindrical presss invented by them
Probably, Vasily Repnin (1806-1880), the Prince. He graduated from the Page Corps with the rank of XII class and began to work in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. In 1843, he retired as a Collegiate Assessor.
Alexander Lukomsky (1811-1850), the Prince. He was a naval artillery officer of the Black Sea Fleet, participated in the Turkish campaign and the Caucasian war. In the mid-1840s, he retired from service as a Captain. He was responsible for supplies of building materials at the St. Petersburg Orphanage.
The case of the issuance of a 5-year-old privilege of the Supervisory Advisor to Chelishchev on the board invented by the board with movable plates for the refrigeration of beet juice and oils
The issue of issuing a 3-year-old privilege of the titular adviser Valerian to the subway for the invented method of processing beetroot syrups without consumption of coalic acid
Valerian Podvysotsky (1821/1822 - 1892), a lawyer, doctor of medicine, pharmacologist, Active State Councilor. He graduated from the Law Faculty of Kharkov University, defending his PhD thesis. He took various government positions in Kharkov and Chernigov. In 1860-1872 he was the Chairman of the Chernigov Land Chamber. In the early 1850s, he retired and dealt with the economy and Zemstvo activities. From 1872 he developed pharmacology. Podvysotsky graduated from Dorpat University and defended his doctoral thesis in 1878. In 1885 he became a Professor at the Pharmacognosy and Pharmacy Department of Kazan University. He was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus (1st class) and a diploma from Emperor Alexander III.
The case of the issuance of a 10-year-old privilege of the retired headquarters of Prince Shakhovsky on the shells invented by the shells for hot meat
Dmitry Shakhovskoy, a Guard Stabs-Kapitan, Prince, officer of the Life Guards Finland Regiment. He participated in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1831. He received the orders of St. Anna (4th class), St. Anna (3d class), St. Stanislaus (3d class) and St. Stanislaus (2nd class). In the 1870s - early 1880s, he was the leader of the nobility of the Venevsky District, was elected a representative of the District Zemstvo Assembly, was the Chairman of the Magistrates' Congress and an housed his sugar beet plant.
Nikolai Muravyov (1775-1845), a historian and archaeologist, Novgorod governor, Privy Councilor, State Secretary of Alexander I and Nicholas I. He studied at the Mining School and then served in Nerchinsk. Then, he graduated from the Marine Cadet Corps and served in the Navy. From 1803 he served in the Ministry of Public Education. In 1815 he was appointed Novgorod Governor, in 1818 - State Secretary. In 1832 he retired and settled in the Ivanovka estate, where he was engaged in agriculture, created a sugar factory and found a new way to boil and refine sugar.