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Society and Book Culture: Instructions on holding the 37th IBBY International Congress in Moscow in September 2020 signed
3 October 2019
The Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed instructions on holding the 37th IBBY International Congress in Moscow in September 2020. The relevant document is available on the official portal of legal acts.
Общество и книжная культура: Подписано распоряжение о проведении в Москве ХХХVII Международного конгресса по детской книге в сентябре 2020 года
Society and Book Culture: The National Library of Russia to mount “Two Captains: The Life of the Book and its Characters” exhibition
21 March 2019
On March 21, 2019 the National Library of Russia, Korf Hall (St. Petersburg) is launching a new exhibition “Two Captains: The Life of the Book and its Characters”.
плавание по Северному морскому пути с востока на запад.
Трудами русской Гидрографической экспедиции... географическое открытие XX в. - открытие Северной Земли.
В разделе также представлены схемы линий Главного...Общество и книжная культура: Выставка «“Два капитана”: жизнь книги и её героев» открывается в Российской национальной библиотеке
Society and Book Culture: The Russian State Library presents “Traditional Chinese Art of Book” display
4 April 2019
The Center of Oriental Literature of the Russian State Library (Moscow) presents the exhibition “Traditional Chinese Art of Book”. Sections of the exhibition shed light on the origin of Chinese book and its transformations. The history of Chinese book – is the history of inventions and preservation of traditions. The exhibition in the Center of Oriental Literature gives a chance to trace the development of Chinese book from ancient times to the early 20th century.
. Четыре экземпляра были предназначены для императорских дворцов и три − для публичных библиотек.... На выставке можно увидеть факсимильные копии рукописей из императорских библиотек.
Книжную экспозицию...Общество и книжная культура: Выставка «Традиционное китайское книжное искусство» открылась в Российской государственной библиотеке
IT and Society: Germany sets a new record for the rate of data transfer – 26 terabits per second
27 May 2011
Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany have set a new record for the rate of data transfer.
Информационные технологии и общество: В Германии поставлен новый рекорд скорости передачи данных - 26 терабит в секунду
Information technology and society: Public opinion poll timed to 30th anniversary of the first PC
12 August 2011
More than a half of Russians (55%) dispose of a personal computer. While a third of our countrymen have no intention to buy one. These data have been released by All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Studies (VTsIOM) having timed its new poll to the 30th anniversary of the world's first personal computer.
Информационные технологии и общество: Опрос общественного мнения, приуроченный к 30-летию появления первого в мире персонального компьютера
Information and society: The International conference, dedicated to the humanities in the digital age, in Saint-Petersburg
3 October 2013
The Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University and the Center for Science and Information Technology “Asterion” hold from 3 to 5 October 2013 in Saint-Petersburg the International scientific- practical conference “The Science of Culture in perspective «digitalhumanities».
Информация и общество: Международная конференция, посвящённая гуманитарным наукам в эпоху цифровых технологий, в Санкт-Петербурге
Internet and society: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to launch the web site of the World Coordinating Council of Compatriots in 2014
23 December 2013
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia after the New Year is planning to launch a website designed for compatriots in the world, said Deputy Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to work with compatriots abroad Sergey Nikolaev.
Интернет и общество: МИД России в 2014 году запустит сайт Всемирного координационного совета соотечественников
Libraries and society: The Theoretical and Practical Conference “Libraries of the Far Eastern region in terms of cultural and linguistic diversity” in Khabarovsk
24 October 2013
The Far Eastern State Research Library with participation of the Russian Library Association holds on October 24-25, 2013 the Interregional Theoretical and Practical Conference “Libraries of the Far Eastern region in terms of cultural and linguistic diversity” in Khabarovsk.
Библиотеки и общество: Научно-практическая конференция «Библиотеки Дальневосточного региона
Libraries and society: The annual meeting of directors of federal and central regional libraries of Russia in Saint-Petersburg
22 October 2013
On behalf of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the National Library of Russia and the Russian State Library hold the Annual meeting of directors of federal and central regional libraries of Russia on October 22-23, 2013 in Saint-Petersburg (the National Library of Russia, New building).
Библиотеки и общество: Ежегодное совещание директоров федеральных и центральных региональных библиотек России в Санкт-Петербурге
Libraries and society: The XII Forum of Public libraries of Russia “Bibliokaravan-2013” held in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions
2 September 2013
The XII Forum of public libraries of Russia “Bibliocaravan-2013” is held in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions on 2-6 September 2013.
Библиотеки и общество: XII Форум публичных библиотек России «Библиокараван–2013» проводится в Томской и Кемеровской областях
Информационные технологии и общество: Утверждена Стратегия развития отрасли информационных технологий на период до 2014-2020 годов и на перспективу до 2025 года
28 October 2013
На заседании Правительства Российской Федерации 25 октября 2013 года была утверждена Стратегия развития отрасли информационных технологий на период до 2014-2020 годов и на перспективу до 2025 года.
Информационные технологии и общество: Утверждена Стратегия развития отрасли информационных
Internet and Society: the Government Signed a Decree on Improving the Procedure of Registration and Obtaining Government Services throughout the Internet
7 November 2013
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the government decree directed to improve the procedure of registration at the federal government information systems. Published at an official website of the state system of legal information document notes that the appropriate changes are being made to statutory acts on registration and obtaining government services throughout the Internet.
Интернет и общество: Подписано постановление правительства о совершенствовании процедуры регистрации и получения госуслуг через Интернет
Society and Reading: Results of the Interregional “Boundless reading” event summed up as part of preparation for International Hanseatic Days-2019
2 August 2018
On July 23–24, 2018 the libraries of Pskov, Smolensk, Tikhvin, Torzhok and Tver held the Interregional event “Boundless reading”, which had been organized by the Pskov Centralized Library System as a part of the preparatory work for the International Hanseatic Days 2019 and timed to coincide with the celebration of 1115th anniversary of the first chronicle records of Pskov.
и дружественных связей между библиотеками Пскова и библиотеками русских Ганзейских городов, развитии..., исторические встречи, спектакли, литературные чтения, открылись выставки, посвящённые городам-участникам Союза русских ганзейских городов.
...Общество и чтение: В Пскове подведены итоги Межрегиональной акции «Безграничное чтение» в рамках подготовки к Международным Ганзейским дням 2019 года
Education and Society: The oldest university, which prepares communications and telecommunications specialists, is celebrating 88th anniversary of its foundation
10 October 2018
On October 13, 2018 the Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications is celebrating 88th anniversary of its foundation.
Образование и общество: Старейшему вузу, готовящему специалистов в области связи и телекоммуникаций, исполняется 88 лет
Society and Culture: Photographs of “Travel Around Your Home Country” All-Russian Photo Festival on display in Sheremetyevo Airport
21 September 2018
“Travel Around Your Home Country” photo exhibition is currently underway in Sheremetyevo International Airport, Aeroexpress Terminal, 3rd floor. This is a joint project of Aeroexpress and TRIP2RUS.RU travel portal. On display are sixteen best works of “Travel Around Your Home Country” All-Russian Photo Festival, which portray landscapes and sights of regions of Russia.
Общество и культура: Выставка фотографий проекта Всероссийского фотофестиваля «Путешествуйте дома» представлена в аэропорту Шереметьево
Education and Society: The State Center of Modern Art launched “TECHNE. Teens — The Future of Art” educational program
24 September 2018
The State Center of Modern Art, ROSIZO, is mounting an educational project “TECHNE. Teens — The Future of Art” aimed at teenagers aged 12–16. The educational program is developed by artists, scientists and engineers. Attendees of classes will discover the current trend in modern art — art & science.
Образование и общество: В Государственном центре современного искусства запустили образовательную программу «TECHNE. Teens — будущее искусства»
Society and Culture: Photo exhibition “Memories of the Church. Church of Our Lady of the Sign” staged within Orthodox Book Days in Astrakhan
14 March 2019
Orthodox Book Days, which have been held since 2011, are currently underway in the Krupskaya Astrakhan Regional Research Library. They spotlight different issues related to the spiritual life and Orthodox culture.
Общество и культура: Фотовыставка «Воспоминание о храме. Знаменская церковь» проводится в рамках Дней православной книги в Астрахани
Society and Culture: 24th Crimean Readings and exhibition “Crimea and its Monuments through the Eyes of Modern Artists” to open in Moscow
16 March 2019
The 24th Crimean Readings and the exhibition “Crimea and its Monuments through the Eyes of Modern Artists” will be held on March 16, 2019 in the Institute of Heritage (Moscow).
общества по изучению Крыма (РОПИК), крымоведы, представители музейно-библиотечного и научного...Общество и культура: XXIV Крымские чтения и выставка «Крым и его памятники глазами современных художников» открываются в Москве
Society and Culture: Exhibition “Mosaics of the Epic” dedicated to Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace mounted in Irkutsk
10 May 2019
The exhibition “Mosaics of the Epic”, dedicated to Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace, is underway in the Exhibition Hall of the Volkonsky House-Museum in Irkutsk. The writer worked on this novel from 1863 to 1869. Like pieces of the mosaic the novel features the facts of Tolstoy’s biography, memories of his family members, events of the world history. The exhibition will run through July 21, 2019.
Общество и культура: Выставка «Мозаика эпопеи», посвящённая роману Л. Н. Толстого «Война и мир», представлена в Иркутске
IT and society: New domain registration rules in RU domain enter into force in October 2009
23 September 2009
The new document “RU-2. Domain’s name registration rules in the RU domain” introduced by the Coordination Center for TLD RU enter into force on 1 October 2009.
Информационные технологии и общество: С 1 октября 2009 года вступают в силу новые правила регистрации доменов в зоне .ru
Information technology and society: Draft regulations for domain names registration in .RU and .RF issued
16 September 2011
The Coordination Centre website, the Official Documents section, has published a draft of the Regulations on registration of domain names in .RU and .RF. It is announced in a statement of the company. The project is available for discussion, everyone can take part in it. Also the site contains a feedback form, which can be used to send your comments and suggestions.
Информационные технологии и общество: Опубликован проект правил регистрации доменных имён в доменах .RU и .РФ
Internet and society: By 2015 the number of mobile Internet users will exceed the number of wired Internet
12 September 2011
Analyst firm IDC has published a forecast stating that by 2015, the number of mobile Internet users in the U.S. will exceed the number of users of the wired Internet, which will be a brand new turn for the industry.
Интернет и общество: К 2015 году количество пользователей мобильного Интернета превысит количество пользователей проводного
Society and Culture: “Photo documents at museums, libraries and archives. Shaping collections: history, problems, prospects” workshop in Moscow
11 October 2011
On October 11 2011 the Russian State Library of Art (Moscow) is holding the 8th theoretical and practical workshop which addresses the wide range of urgent problems connected with study and use of photo documents at libraries, archives and museums.
Общество и культура: Семинар «Фотодокументы в музеях, библиотеках и архивах. Формирование коллекций: история, проблемы, перспективы» в Москве
IT and Culture: International Conference “EVA Moscow: Information Society, Culture, Education” in Moscow
28 November 2011
The 13th International Conference “EVA Moscow: Information Society, Culture, Education” is for the first time running at the Russian State Library (Moscow) November 28th-30th 2011. The conference focuses on a theme “Development and Preservation of Digital Cultural and Scientific Heritage”.
XIII Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование...XIII Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование...Информационные технологии и культура: Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование» в Москве
Society and Culture: Second International Conference “Art and Science in Modern World”, dedicated to 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov, launched in St. Petersburg
1 November 2011
November 1 - 4 2011 St. Petersburg is running the 2nd International Research Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” which highlights 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov. The forum has been organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
художеств – Мозаичной (Императорской) мастерской, где планируется проведение мастер-класса...Общество и культура: II Международная конференция «Искусство и наука в современном мире», посвящённая 300-летию М. В. Ломоносова, в Санкт-Петербурге