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Найдено 82 материала
Marking Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 200th anniversary: The Presidential Library spotlighted the last novel of the writer
11 November 2021
On November 11, 2021, the Presidential Library hosted a video lecture entitled "The Brothers Karamazov as a Literary Phenomenon" as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event was the ninth in the series of lectures "Fyodor Dostoevsky - Conversation about Values", devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous writer, celebrated on this day.
видеолекторий «„Братья Карамазовы“ как литературный феномен». Мероприятие стало девятым в цикле лекций... видеолекторий «„Братья Карамазовы“ как литературный феномен». Мероприятие стало девятым в цикле лекций
The History of World Civilization: Rare Roman coin of the IV century found in Veliky Novgorod
1 July 2014
The rare Roman coin of the IV century was found by archaeologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences during excavations in Veliky Novgorod. It depicts a wolf nursing its infants Romulus and Remus, legendary brothers – founders of Rome. On the other side of the coin is depicted the goddess Roma – patroness of Rome.
академии наук. На ней изображена волчица, кормящая младенцев Ромула и Рема, легендарных братьев... академии наук. На ней изображена волчица, кормящая младенцев Ромула и Рема, легендарных братьев
Libraries and society: Unknown letter of Nikolai Karamzin found in the Penza Regional Library
20 August 2015
A letter of historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin, unknown to science, was found in the collection of the Penza Regional Library. The letter is dated 1816 and addressed to Karamzin’s stepbrother, Alexander, said the author of the finding, Ph.D. in history, Dmitry Murashov.
областной библиотеки. Письмо датировано 1816 годом и адресовано сводному брату Карамзина - Александру... своему брату - Василию Михайловичу, где такими же словами говорил об одобрении императором... областной библиотеки. Письмо датировано 1816 годом и адресовано сводному брату Карамзина - Александру
History of Moscow: "Moscow of Naum Granovsky. 1920-1980" exhibition to open in the capital
4 September 2020
The "Moscow of Naum Granovsky. 1920-1980" exhibition marks the 110th anniversary of photographer Naum Granovsky, who had been working at TASS for more than 40 years. It will be opened at the Lumiere Brothers Centre for Photography (Moscow) on September 4, 2020. The exposition brings together more than 100 works of the master.
Наума Грановского, более 40 лет проработавшего в ТАСС, открывается в Центре фотографии им. братьев... фотографа Наума Грановского, более 40 лет проработавшего в ТАСС, открывается в Центре фотографии им. братьев
History and Culture: Exhibition "The Sheremetevs. Not Counts" presented at the Museum-Estate "Kuskovo" in Moscow
1 August 2021
The exhibition "The Sheremetevs. Not Counts" will run at the Museum-Estate "Kuskovo" (Moscow) until September 12, 2021. It is devoted to the representatives of the big Sheremetev family, belonging to two non-counts branches descending from the two younger brothers of Count Boris Petrovich (1652-1719) - Fyodor (1655-1722) and Vladimir (1668-1737).
, идущим от двух младших братьев графа Бориса Петровича (1652–1719) – Фёдора (1655–1722) и Владимира... и юношеские годы графа протекали в окружении двоюродных сестёр и братьев, дружбу с которыми он сохранил... ветвям, идущим от двух младших братьев графа Бориса Петровича (1652–1719) – Фёдора (1655–1722) и Владимира (1668–1737).
Birthday anniversary of Nikolay N. Raevsky, a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812
25 September 1771
14 (25) September 1771, in St. Petersburg, was born Nikolay Raevsky, Russian commander, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, General of Cavalry (1813), a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire (1826), cousin of Lieutenant-General D. Davydov.
., генерал от кавалерии (1813), член Государственного Совета Российской империи (1826); двоюродный брат... на Сенатской площади, были арестованы сразу трое близких ему людей: брат Василий Львович и мужья дочерей... Российской империи (1826); двоюродный брат генерал-лейтенанта Д. В. Давыдова.
The Presidential Library’s collections illustrate Saints Cyril and Methodius
24 May 2019
The Slavic Literature and Culture Day is celebrated annually on May 24. This holiday is associated with the names of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius - educators, preachers, founders of the Church Slavonic language, who played a crucial role in the development of Slavic literature and culture. All this is reflected in old editions and documents from the collections of the Presidential Library "Cyril and Methodius - Slavic Educators". Presented research papers, essays...
славянской письменности и культуры. Связан этот праздник с именами святых равноапостольных братьев Кирилла... исследовательские труды, очерки, речи рассказывают о подвиге братьев на трудном миссионерском...) и других раритетных изданиях рассказывается о том, как более тысячи лет тому назад родные братья Кирилл... библиотеки. После Крещения Руси созданный братьями язык стал общеславянским. В дореволюционной России День... исследований об обстоятельствах жизни братьев и значении всего сделанного ими для русской культуры... с именами святых равноапостольных братьев Кирилла и Мефодия – просветителей, проповедников, создателей... о подвиге братьев на трудном миссионерском поприще. В подборку также включены фотография с изображением
“I was born with a need of storytelling: an evening with critically acclaimed Danish writer Peter Høeg in the Presidential Library
5 September 2017
On September 5, 2017, in the Presidential Library an evening with the critically acclaimed Danish writer Peter Høeg, the author of the world’s bestseller “Smilla's Feeling for Snow” or “Smilla's Sense of Snow.” Known for his taste for solitude, he for the first time ever decided to come to Russia to meet with his readers.
брату. И несмотря на то, что мне довелось попробовать различные профессии, независимо... от того, чем я занимался, я всегда пытался именно рассказывать истории».
Не меньший интерес у аудитории вызвал
History of Russia: Outdoor photo exhibitions of the "When the Trees Were Tall" project presented in Moscow
8 July 2020
On July 1, 2020, the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography (Moscow) launched an outdoor exhibition in the Zelenaya Reka (Green River) Park. The "When the Trees Were Tall" exhibition project provides four outdoor photo exhibitions. The photo project showcases the works of authors included in the "Anthology of Russian Photography of the XX Century. Photos of the 1960-1970s".
Галерея имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) с 1 июля 2020 года представляет уличную выставку в парке...Галерея имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) с 1 июля 2020 года представляет уличную выставку в парке
History and culture: The photo exhibition “XX century is around me. Photographs from the TASS archive” in Moscow
10 November 2014
In the Center of Photography of Lumiere Brothers (Moscow) opened the exhibition "XX century is around me. Photographs from the TASS archive". The exhibition marks the 110th anniversary of the TASS and represents 80 reportage photographs since the early to mid-70s of the XX century.
В Центре фотографии имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) открылась выставка «Вокруг меня гудит XX век... выдающиеся мастера фотографии. Посетители Центра им. братьев Люмьер смогут познакомиться с работами...В Центре фотографии имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) открылась выставка «Вокруг меня гудит XX век
Society and Culture: The exhibition of works by winners of the International photojournalism contest opened in Moscow
12 September 2017
The first stage of the world tour of the winners of the International Stanislav Photojournalism Competition organized by the Russia Today Agency under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO was the Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography in Moscow.
ЮНЕСКО, стал Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер в Москве.
Выставка лучших фотографий 2017 года... фотографии имени братьев Люмьер стал первой выставочной площадкой для работ победителей конкурса, после... по делам ЮНЕСКО, стал Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер в Москве.
Interactive lesson marking Slavic Literature and Culture Day "From Az to Us" held in Rostov-on-Don
24 May 2022
Every year the Slavic Literature and Culture Day is celebrated on May 24. Traditionally, on this day, the creators of Slavic writing, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, are recalled by people. The Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based on the Don State Public Library, devoted to this event an interactive lesson “From Az to Us”.
вспоминают создателей славянской письменности – святых равноапостольных братьев Кирилла и Мефодия... вспоминают создателей славянской письменности – святых равноапостольных братьев Кирилла и Мефодия
Birthday anniversary of Alexander Vorontsov, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs in Russian Empire
15 September 1741
4 (15) September 1741, in St. Petersburg, was born Alexander Romanovich Vorontsov, First Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, Count (1760); State Chancellor (1802-1804), president of the Commerce College (1773-1794), Senator (1779); brother of the first President of the Russian Academy, Princess C. Dashkova.
-коллегии (1773-1794), сенатор (1779); брат первого президента Российской академии, княгини Е. Р. Дашковой...-коллегии (1773-1794), сенатор (1779); брат первого президента Российской академии, княгини Е. Р. Дашковой.
From the Presidential Library collections: the writer and hero of the war of 1812 Prince Pyotr Vyazemsky
20 July 2018
July 23, 2018 marks the 226th birth anniversary of one of Pushkin's closest friends, Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky (1792-1878), whom we know more than a literary critic, historian, translator, first chairman of the Russian Historical Society, and to a lesser degree - as a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.
, переводчика, первого председателя Русского исторического общества, и в меньшей степени – как героя..., переводчика, первого председателя Русского исторического общества, и в меньшей степени – как героя
International events: Exhibition “Images of Italy. 1841-1941” in St. Petersburg in the context of the Russia-Italy year
19 November 2011
November 16, 2011 to January 15, 2012 the ROSPHOTO State Museum & Exhibition Center (St. Petersburg) hosts the exposition of works by eminent Italian photographers “Images of Italy. 1841-1941” from the collections of the Alinari Museum of History of Photography, Florence. The exhibition is a part of the official program of the Year of the Italian language and culture in Russia.
Италии. 1841-1941» из фондов флорентийского Музея истории фотографии братьев Алинари. Выставка... – Венеции (Брезолин, Понти, Перини), Флоренции (студии братьев Алинари и Дж. Броджи) и Риме (Канева, Дж... «Образы Италии. 1841-1941» из фондов флорентийского Музея истории фотографии братьев Алинари. Выставка
Marking Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 200th anniversary: The Presidential Library to spotlight the last novel of the writer
11 November 2021
On November 11, 2021, at 11:00 (Moscow time), the Presidential Library will host a video lecture entitled "The Brothers Karamazov as a Literary Phenomenon" as part of the Knowledge of Russia project. The event is the ninth in the series of lectures "Fyodor Dostoevsky - Conversation about Values", devoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous writer, which will be celebrated on this day.
«Знание о России» состоится видеолекторий «„Братья Карамазовы“ как литературный феномен». Мероприятие... «Знание о России» состоится видеолекторий «„Братья Карамазовы“ как литературный феномен». Мероприятие
Birth of Russian statesman and military leader Pyotr Matveyevich Apraksin
4 July 1659
Pyotr Apraksin coming from the Apraksin family, the eldest son of the stolnik Matvey Vasilyevich, brother of F. M. Apraksin and Tsarina Marfa Matveyevna, wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich was born on June 24 (July 4), 1659. He began his service with the rank of a room attendant (1677), then became a courtier (1689). He was a close associate of Peter I. In 1692-1694 he served as governor in Pskov, in 1697 - Dec. 1699/Jan. 1700s - in Novgorod.
Пётр Матвеевич Апраксин – из рода Апраксиных, старший сын стольника Матвея Васильевича, брат Ф. М... с братом Ф. М. Апраксиным был пожалован графским титулом. На должности губернатора оказывал большую помощь...Пётр Матвеевич Апраксин – из рода Апраксиных, старший сын стольника Матвея Васильевича, брат Ф
Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. He united music and the sea
17 March 2020
Music and the sea became his passion since childhood. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov was born on March 18, 1844 in Tikhvin, into a noble family for whom maritime service was a tradition - the great-great-grandfather of the boy was rear admiral under Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, his uncle was rear admiral as well as his older brother later. Little Nick, who sought to imitate him, at the age of 12 entered the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg.
стал и старший брат. И маленький Ника, стремившийся ему подражать, в 12 лет поступил в Морской... Елизавете Петровне, контр-адмиралом был его дядя, а впоследствии стал и старший брат. И маленький Ника
Society and culture: The exhibition, timed to anniversaries of Z. E. Serebryakova and N. Y. Lancere “We lived by art”, in Peterhof
18 November 2014
2014 marks anniversaries of two representatives of art dynasty of Benois-Lancere: 130 years is celebrated since the birth of a participant of the association “World of Art” by Zinaida Yevgenievna Serebryakova and 135 of the birth of her brother, architect Nicholas Yevgenievich Lancere.
и 135 лет со дня рождения её родного брата, архитектора Николая Евгеньевича Лансере. Государственный... и 135 лет со дня рождения её родного брата, архитектора Николая Евгеньевича Лансере. Государственный
Birth of Nikolai Alexandrovich Khokhlov, Hero of the Soviet Union, Participant of the Great Patriotic War
18 June 1923
Nikolai Alexandrovich Khokhlov was born on June 18, 1923 in the village of Pachenka, Nizhnetavdinsky District, Tyumen Region. He graduated from a rural school and worked on a collective farm before the war. By the beginning of the war, two older brothers – Philemon and Pavel – had already been drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. In the autumn of 1941, the post office brought a notice of the heroic death of one of them – Philemon.
Тюменской области. Окончил сельскую школу и до войны работал в колхозе. К началу войны два старших брата... брата – Филимон и Павел – уже были призваны в ряды Красной Армии. Осенью 1941 г. почта принесла
Books from library of Peter the Great featured in collection of Presidential Library
6 November 2024
The Presidential Library's collection has been enriched with digital copies of rare books from the library of Peter the Great. These books were transferred by the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences for digitization. Now, 22 of these old books are available for reading in the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library. These are both manuscripts and printed books in Russian.
по наследству от отца, царя Алексея Михайловича, братьев и сестёр. Вторая – это собственные книги Петра... по наследству от отца, царя Алексея Михайловича, братьев и сестёр. Вторая – это собственные книги
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the Presidential Library's collections: "His thought was ahead of the public consciousness of his time"
17 September 2018
September 17, 2018 marks the 161st birth anniversary of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the founder of modern astronautics, a philosopher who laid the foundations of Russian cosmism. These two vectors, which determined the movement of thought of a modest teacher of mathematics from Kaluga, fully reflect both the research papers of Tsiolkovsky, and various materials about him, presented in the collection of the Presidential Library "K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)", consisting of sections "On the life and...
книгу «Аэроплан», в которой он, предвосхитив на восемь лет работы американцев братьев Райт в области... ракета. Опытная подготовка» (1927), «Новый аэроплан» (1929) и другие. Не меньшего внимания, нежели
The Presidential Library: the history of the country in the mirror of children's media
12 January 2018
January 13 marks the Day of the Russian Press, which has its own unique history that goes back to centuries. On this day in 1703 in Moscow, by decree of Peter the Great, the issue of the first Russian printed newspaper “Vedomosti” was published. Among many innovations of Peter it remained one of the most durable and effective engines of social development.
жителях и интересные истории о «братьях меньших» соседствуют с политическими сообщениями.
В «Мурзилке
Exhibitions: An exposition "Alexander Rodchenko. From the Still Art Foundation" presented in Moscow
25 January 2020
Since January 24, the Lumiere Brothers Center of Photography will present an exhibition of works by an outstanding Russian avant-garde artist Alexander Rodchenko from the Still Art Foundation collection, established by Elena and Michail Karisalov. The exposition includes the Rodtchenko's works of different times, beginning from the first photographic experiences of the 1920-s - 1930-s.
Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) с 24 января 2020 года представляет выставку работ...Центр фотографии имени братьев Люмьер (Москва) с 24 января 2020 года представляет выставку работ
Birth of Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin, Soviet Statesman, Diplomat, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR and the USSR
24 November 1872
Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin was born on November 12 (24), 1872 in the Karaul estate in Kirsanovsky District of Tambov Governorate (currently the village of Inzhavinsky District of Tambov Region) in a noble family. His father, Vasily Nikolayevich Chicherin (1829-1882) was the brother of the legal historian Boris Nikolayevich Chicherin and worked as a diplomat. Chicherin’s mother, Baroness Georgina Yegorovna Meyendorff (1836-1897) came from the ancient Ostsee noble family of Meyendorff.
, Василий Николаевич Чичерин (1829–1882), родной брат историка права Бориса Николаевича Чичерина, дипломат..., Василий Николаевич Чичерин (1829–1882), родной брат историка права Бориса Николаевича Чичерина