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Society and culture: Exhibition “Palette by Surikov” in Krasnoyarsk

25 January 2014
The Krasnoyarsk Art Museum from January 21 to February 15, 2014 hosts the exhibition "Palette by Surikov".
. Посетители могут проследить этапы развития Красноярской школы живописи от истоков – произведений

World culture: Traveling exhibition “Treasures of the Himalayas” in Moscow

17 November 2015
Russia's only traveling exhibition of Buddhist art "Treasures of the Himalayas", successfully held in 55 cities, is again represented in Moscow, in a Buddhist cultural center. The exhibition for the past ten years, introduces the Russians with the artistic traditions of the peoples of the Himalayas.
свой кругозор, приобщиться к истокам древней культуры, имеющей общемировую, общенациональную

History and culture: The exhibition “Icon. Tradition. Time” in Moscow

13 November 2015
November 13, 2015 in the Sergei Andriaka Academy of Watercolors and Fine Arts (Moscow) is opened the exhibition of icons of the School of Iconology and Iconography “Prosopon” “Icon. Tradition. Time”.
к иконе и её истокам открыл важную сферу деятельности школы: проведение регулярных мастер-классов

Sverdlovsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library to launch a series of lectures about writers

16 September 2020
Sverdlovsk Regional Centre of the Presidential Library, housed at Vissarion Belinsky Sverdlovsk Regional Universal Scientific Library, presents a premiere of a series of online lectures devoted to the relations of famous writers.
среде слухи о серьёзной личной неприязни писателей. Узнать истоки этой «вечной» вражды

Internet and Culture: "Kultura.RF" portal launched the "Peredvizhniki: From Academic Drawings to Independence" project marking the 150th anniversary of the Society for Russian State Archive of Literature and Art June 30, 2020

30 June 2020
The Kultura.RF portal presents the anniversary project "Peredvizhniki: From Academic Drawings to Independence" marking the 150th anniversary of the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions.
, посвящённый его истории, расскажет, с чего началось Товарищество, кто стоял у его истоков и какие

Exhibitions: Materials, dedicated to the National Agricultural Census, are presented at the exhibition in Veliky Novgorod

13 July 2016
July 11, 2016 in the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library was opened an exhibition dedicated to the National agricultural census, which is conducted in the Russian Federation from July 1 to August 15, 2016.
«Сельскохозяйственные переписи в России». В книгу включены исторические материалы об истоках хозяйственного учёта

Society and Reading: The Russian State Children’s Library opens laboratories #ZnayChitay

13 October 2022
The Russian State Children’s Library with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia has developed a project to create laboratories for children’s and teenagers’ reading #ZnayChitay (#KnowRead).
дела от истоков до современности, а также с русскими народными сказками и фольклором. В них будут

Museums and Society: Exhibition “The Art of Portrait Painting” from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum to be mounted in Kazan

10 October 2018
On October 10, 2018 “Hermitage-Kazan” Expo Center is opening “The Art of Portrait Painting” exhibition. It showcases about 400 exhibits from the State Hermitage Museum collection and presents the highlights of the world history of portrait painting.
стран и народов демонстрируют специфику портретного жанра, его истоки и разнообразие форм. Экспозиция

Society and Culture: Exhibition “The Art of Theatre in Dissertations” underway in the Russian State Library in Moscow

16 September 2018
On September 11, 2018 “The Art of Theatre in Dissertations” exhibition opened in the Russian State Library, Blue Hall (Moscow). The exposition showcases over 60 dissertations on art history, architecture and culturology, which had entered the holdings of the Russian State Library between 1950 and 2017.
отдельных крупнейших театров России до истоков формирования русского театрального зодчества. Авторы

World Culture: The exhibition "The Epoch of Rembrandt and Vermeer. Masterpieces of the Leiden Collection" in Moscow

28 March 2018
The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) for the first time in Russia presents from March 28, 2018 an exhibition of masterpieces of the Leiden collection of Thomas S. Kaplan and his wife Daphne Recanati-Kaplan - one of the largest and most significant private collections of Dutch painting of the XVII century. The exposition presents 82 works, none of which was previously exhibited in Russia, - eighty paintings and two drawings.
и сформировавшемся вокруг него художественном сообществе, рассказывает об истоках творчества Рембрандта

The World culture: The exhibition “300 years of Masonry” in Moscow

7 June 2017
June 7, 2017 in the Rumyantsev Hall Manuscripts Department of the Russian State Library (Moscow) is opened an exhibition dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the creation of modern Freemasonry.
, но и на политическую жизнь различных стран. Выставка включает различные тематические разделы: «Истоки масонской

History of Russia: The Historical and Documentary exhibition to the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Ministry of Railways in Saint-Petersburg

15 October 2015
October 15, 2015 in the Exhibition Hall of the Federal State Archives (St. Petersburg) is opened a historical and documentary exhibition ""In the service of the Russian milestones". To the 150th anniversary of the Ministry of Railways". 
, служебные документы, письма и дневники служащих ведомства, стоявших у истоков развития транспортного строительства, науки и техники.

The Presidential Library presented the first color photographs of the Russian Empire in Berlin

11 October 2017
October 11, 2017 the Presidential Library presented an exhibition of the first color photographs of the Russian Empire "Russia's Spaces in Color Photography by Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky" in the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin. The exhibition was opened in the framework of the 69th Frankfurt Book Fair and will run until October 15, 2017.
круглый стол «Фотовзгляд на Россию: от истоков до наших дней», на котором обсудили актуальные темы

The Presidential Library’s online lecture to spotlight biblical apocrypha in ancient Russian literature

14 January 2022
On January 14, 2022, at 12:00 Moscow time, the Presidential Library will host an online lecture “Biblical Apocrypha in Literature and Bookishness of Ancient Rus’” within the framework of the Knowledge of Russia project.
, вобрала в себя и восточные истоки, и их западные модификации. Многие апокрифические памятники

Memorable Dates of Russia: Exhibition “Without the Right to Glory, for the Glory of the State” marking the 100th anniversary of the creation of illegal intelligence opens in St. Petersburg

2 December 2022
On December 2, 2022, the exhibition Without the Right to Glory, for the Glory of the State marking the 100th anniversary of the creation of illegal intelligence opens in the branch of the Museum of Political History of Russia “Gorokhovaya, 2”.
., кто стоял у истоков нелегальной разведки, какую роль в победе над нацистской Германией сыграла разведка

Concierge service and its role in development of tourism sector was discussed at multimedia lesson in Presidential Library

6 November 2024
On November 6th, 2024 the Presidential Library was hosted a multimedia lesson titled The Concierge Service and Its Role in Tourism and Hospitality in St. Petersburg. The event was opened to high school students from various schools in St. Petersburg.
). Он продолжил цикл «Истоки Петербургского гостеприимства: события, люди, места». В мероприятии

The Presidential Library to hold multimedia lessons for schoolchildren about country's Basic Law

27 November 2023
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated on December 12, 2023, the Presidential Library is launching a series of multimedia thematic lessons for senior pupils in St. Petersburg.
истоки прав, свобод и обязанностей граждан современной России, даёт навыки работы с фондом крупнейшей

Exhibitions: The exhibition “The Russian Helmet. Pages of History” opened in Voronezh

24 June 2014
The Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Field” presented in Voronezh an exhibition “The Russian Helmet. Pages of History” dedicated to the centenary of the First World War. The history of Russian helmet can be learnt about in the Voronezh Regional Local Lore Museum.
историю защитного головного убора от его истоков до современности в подлинниках, фотографиях и военно

To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: Exhibition “Imperial collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography” in Rostov-on-Don

29 March 2013
March 27, 2013 in Rostov-on-Don opened the exhibition, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. The exposition “Imperial collections of the Russian Museum of Ethnography” arrived to the Don capital from Saint-Petersburg. The large part of the exposition tells of such little-known side of the life of the Romanovs as the ethnographical gathering and museum work.
Романовых, как этнографическое собирательство и музейная деятельность. Выставка обращена к истокам

Society and media: Minister of Culture of Russia congratulated workers of mass media on the Day of Russian Press

13 January 2014
The Minister of Culture of Russia Vladimir Medinsky congratulated all members of the national mass media with their professional holiday – the Day of Russian Press.
», основанная указом Петра Первого», - говорится в поздравлении министра. «У истоков отечественной журналистики

The place and role of the Romanov dynasty in Russian history was discussed at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Minsk

17 January 2018
The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Minsk hosted a film theater on the topic "On the Achievements and Failures of the Romanov Dynasty" from the series "Against Myths and Falsification of Russian History" organized by the cultural and educational public association "Transfiguration".
, он отметил, что аудитория желает глубже понять истоки, причины и последствия русской революции, 100

A presentation of the electronic resources of the Presidential Library in the Penza Regional Сenter

7 September 2017
On September 5, 2017, stuff employees of The Penza Oblast Library named after M. Y. Lermontov introduced to the participants of the computer literacy courses the “Say no to terrorism” presentation, prepared on the basis of the electronic resources of the Presidential Library.
представлены исследования, раскрывающие истоки и пути преодоления проблемы терроризма. В научных работах
