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Regions of Russia: Ten days of Russia’s History in Ulyanovsk

2 December 2010
Ten-day festival of Russia’s history, timed to the birthday of a prominent historian, enlightener, first historiographer of the Russian state — Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, is being held at the Ulyanovsk Regional Scientific Library on December 1 - 12 2010.
-иллюстративные выставки «Память сердца», «Великий гражданин», «Дитя умов симбирских – буква Ё», «Н.М

Society and Culture: Exhibition "Heroes of Sholokhov on the screen" in the Rostov region

27 January 2017
The excursion and exhibition center "People's House" of the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (village Vyoshenskaya, the Rostov region) on January 27, 2017 starts a large-scale exhibition "Heroes of Sholokhov on the screen", which shows the materials about the films shot by the writer's works.
. Всего по произведениям М. А. Шолохова снято 19 экранизаций. Каждая из них оставила свой след в истории кино и сердцах

Pskov schoolchildren learned about the materials of the Battle of Stalingrad from the Presidential Library’s collection

5 February 2020
On February 3, 2020 the Regional Center of the Presidential Library in Pskov Region organized the patriotic event “200 Days and Nights of Stalingrad”, dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi forces near Stalingrad.
в Великой Отечественной войне. Специалисты библиотеки провели Урок мужества «Ты в памяти и в сердце

World history: The exhibition “Ideological struggle on the Soviet-German front during the Great Patriotic War” in Moscow

21 April 2015
April 21, 2015 in the White Hall of the Library of Foreign Literature (Moscow) is opened the exhibition "The ideological struggle on the Soviet-German front during the Great Patriotic War", organized in conjunction with the Memorial Museum of German anti-fascists (the Moscow region) and timed to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945.).
и полиграфической техники давали возможность вести тотальную пропаганду, сражаясь за умы и сердца людей на войне

К 65-й годовщине Великой Победы: Патриотическая акция Минкомсвязи

28 February 2010
К 65-й годовщине Победы в Великой Отечественной войне Минкомсвязи совместно с крупнейшими телекоммуникационными компаниями подготовило масштабную патриотическую акцию - "Ура Победе!".
в сердцах, особенно тех людей, кто родился спустя многие годы после войны, - сказал И. Щеголев. - Сервисы

Museums and Society: Project “Manege. 200 years in the center of events" presented in Moscow

21 April 2021
“The Manege. 200 years in the center of events” project will be shown at the Central Manege in Moscow until the end of 2021. It is designed to acquaint visitors with the most interesting, unexpected, sometimes paradoxical facts that have happened to it over the entire period of its existence.
всегда находился не только географически у самых стен Кремля, но и в самом сердце исторических

Russian Information and Cultural Center in Baku presents online exhibitions marking Russia Day

15 June 2020
The Russian Information and Cultural Center in Baku marking Russia Day has provided online exhibitions of the photographer and art historian Rustam Huseynov. Everyone can see the photos that the author took while visiting our country as part of the New Generation Rossotrudnichestvo program.
, природе и повседневной жизни. Онлайн-выставка «Сердце Урала» рассказывает о Пермском крае, его природе

Museums of Russia: A proposal to declare 2021 the Year of Museums made

3 June 2019
The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky suggested holding the Year of Museums in 2021. He came up with this initiative at the general meeting of the Union of Museums of Russia, which was held at the Tsaritsyno State Historical, Architectural, Art and Landscape Museum-Reserve.
. Как показал опыт, вещь это очень позитивная. Я от всего сердца хотел бы поддержать инициативу

Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “I will come to you…” dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mayakovski in Omsk

19 July 2013
July 19, 2013 it is marked the 120th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Mayakovski. By this date, the A. S. Pushkin Omsk Regional Research Library opens the book-illustrative exhibition “I will come to you…”.  
поэта, его кинематографическим опытом, постановками пьес в театрах. Раздел «Мама, у него пожар сердца

Books history: “Book Rainbow” Exhibition in Vladimir timed to International Child Protection Day

1 June 2012
The exhibition "Book Rainbow" opened May 29, 2012 in the Chambers of Vladimir-Suzdal museum-reserve. It is timed to coincide with International Child Protection Day. At the exhibition, visitors can see the way the look and printing design of books had been changing during the past two centuries.  
для сердца и разума», изданное в г. Владимире более двух веков назад, и издания советских авторов

Народы России: Президент России принял участие в праздновании 100-летия единения Тывы и России

9 September 2014
Президент России Владимир Путин принял участие в торжественных мероприятиях, посвящённых 100-летию вхождения Тывы в состав России.  
сердцем народ, талантливый народ. Мы никогда не забудем вклад Тывы в победу над фашизмом во времена

World culture: Renaissance masterpieces showcased in Paris

5 January 2023
A collection of Renaissance masterpieces, many of which have never been showcased outside Italy, is presented in the hôtel de la Marine in Paris. The exhibition Ca' d'Oro: Masterpieces of the Renaissance in Venice is jointly organised by The Al Thani Collection Foundation, the Centre des monuments nationaux, the Regional Directorate of Museums of the Veneto and the Venetian Heritage Foundation, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Виттории, и многое другое. Впервые более чем за столетие «Святой Себастьян» Андреа Мантеньи – сердце

The National Unity Day: Exhibition “To the Glory of the Fatherland, To the Glory of Russia” presented in Veliky Novgorod

4 November 2018
A new exhibition “To the Glory of the Fatherland, To the Glory of Russia” has been opened in the Reading Room of the Novgorod Regional Research Library in commemoration of the National Unity Day, which is celebrated in Russia on November 4.
из разделов выставки «Полководец по зову народа и собственного сердца», посвящён 440-летию со дня

International events: Photo exhibition “Albania in Pictures” in the framework of the Days of spiritual culture of Albania in Russia in Saint-Petersburg

20 October 2012
October 20, 2012 in Central City Public Library of Vladimir Mayakovsky (St. Petersburg) opens exhibition "Albania in Pictures" in the framework of the Days of spiritual culture of Albania in Russia, which run from October 1 to December 12.  
, как античная Аполлония или Тирана – столица и сердце Албании. Фотографии выполнены известным

Memory of Russia: "Purple Mist of Russian Landscapes..." exhibition to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Alexander Pushkin State Museum-Reserve "Mikhaylovskoye" during the Great Patriotic War

11 August 2020
Alexander Pushkin State Museum-Reserve "Mikhaylovskoye" arranged several projects to mark the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory and the anniversary of the liberation of the village of Pushkinskie Gory as well as the Museum-Reserve from the Nazi invaders on July 12, 1944.
«Победа! Сердцу сладкий час!». Он подготовлен совместно с коллегами из Великолукского краеведческого

The Presidential Library hosted "Multimedia Celebration"

31 May 2022
On May 31, 2022 the Presidential Library hosted “Multimedia Celebration”.
культуры: «Нет, я не Байрон, я другой», «Тютчев. Весна. Любовь», «Сердца трепетные сны», «Культура

Memorable Dates of Russia: Exhibition project “Maria Feodorovna. Danish Princess – Russian Empress. Memories”, marking the 175th anniversary of the empress, presented in Republic of Tatarstan

12 February 2023
The exhibition project Maria Feodorovna. Danish Princess – Russian Empress. Memories, marking the 175th anniversary of the empress, has opened in the exhibition hall of the art gallery of the island-city of Sviyazhsk.
, стала истинно русской и писала: «Моё сердце осталось в России». Проект — стендовая выставка

World history and culture: Exhibition “Pass. Himalayan mosaic” in Moscow

23 December 2013
December 20, 2013 at the State Museum of Oriental Art (Moscow) opens the exhibition "Pass. Himalayan mosaic: cultural diversity and unity".
, небольших горных королевств Бутана и Мустанга. В самом сердце Гималаев находится один из регионов

History of Saint-Petersburg: City marks the 317th anniversary online

27 May 2020
May 27, 2020, Saint-Petersburg marks its birthday - the city turns 317 years old. This year, events are held online.
основания Санкт-Петербурга. 27 мая из самого сердца Санкт-Петербурга выступят артисты и музыканты

65th Great Victory anniversary: Photo exhibition “Freeze-frame” about veterans of Russian television

23 March 2010
The “Academy of Russian Television” Foundation jointly with the Museum of Television and Radio on Internet with a support of the Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications are holding a photo exhibition entitled “Freeze-frame” dedicated to war veterans – veterans of Russian television, which is going to mark the 65th Great Victory anniversary. 
вновь прикоснуться к тем далеким годам всем посетителям, кому дорога память сердца. А те, кто хочет

Territory of Russia: "My Planet. Place of Power" presented in Saint-Petersburg

14 August 2020
Kirov Central Park (Saint-Petersburg) launched a banner exhibition "My Planet. Place of Power". Russian photographers and travellers present pictures of Russian places that inspire discoveries and give energy for new achievements.
взглянуть на одно из самых красивых озёр Алтая, увидеть сердце Кавказского природного биосферного

Chinese viewers went on a virtual tour of Russia

9 March 2021
Documentary film marathon "Unknown Russia" was held at the Russian House in Beijing on March 3, 2021 marking World Wildlife Day. The screening took place with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as director and producer Irina Zhuravleva, author of the film “Bears of Kamchatka. Beginning of life".
, побывать в самом сердце арктической тайги в Якутии, узнать о жизни Крайнего Севера. Все фильмы
