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Teachers of Khakassia learned about the Presidential Library's resources

22 December 2023
The Domozhakov National Library hosted a workshop “Historical education in the age of digitalization”, organized jointly with the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the Katanov Khakass State University. History teachers joined the event.
и партнёров Президентской библиотеки. Живой отклик у педагогов вызвали электронные коллекции и услуги

Internet and Education: Moscow Kremlin Museums launched a new online project "The Kremlin to Children"

29 November 2020
The Moscow Kremlin Museums launched a new website for teachers and school students studying Russian history. The monuments of the Moscow Kremlin are related to the milestones of the establishment and development of the state. They also refer to the heyday of Russian culture. The museum collection will provide a detailed study of Russian history and culture and better learning of its brightest pages.
видеоэкскурсии помогут сделать изучение истории более живым и ярким. Раздел «10 фактов» в сжатой форме даёт

History of Russian navigation: Traces of Arctic expeditions found on Franz-Joseph Land

27 July 2010
Russian scientists, who set off for the Franz Joseph Land archipelago in order to look for the Arctic expedition of Georgy Brusilov, which had gone missing almost 100 years ago, discovered artifacts of expeditions of 19th – 20th cc.
вместе со штурманом Альбановым решила идти пешком по берегу. Из этой группы живыми вернулись

Anniversaries of Russia: "M. U. Lermontov in Russian music" exhibition, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the poet, in St. Petersburg

2 November 2014
On October 31, 2014, in the Korf Hall of in the Main Building of the National Library (St. Peteryuurg) opened "A word, Become the Music!": M. U. Lermontov in Russian Music" exhibition. The exhibition marks the 200th anniversary of the poet’s birth.
и любители, сохраняют живой интерес к творчеству Лермонтова, многие стихотворения поэта положены на музыку

Memorable dates of Russia: Ulyanovsk region to celebrate the 200th birthday anniversary of Ivan Goncharov

21 January 2012
At the meeting of the Council on culture under the governor of Ulyanovsk region it was resolved to hold jubilee celebrations of the 200th birthday anniversary of Russian classic author Ivan Goncharov in Ulyanovsk 16 – 22 June, 2012.  
, местом постоянного живого общения всех, кому дорого и интересно творчество писателя». По словам Г

Museums of Russia: Renewed exposition of the 18th century art in the Tretyakov Gallery

15 November 2011
15 November 2011 in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow opens a renewed exposition of the 18th century art. Unlike the last version of 1994, when the sculpture occupied a separate hall, today paintings and sculptures are displayed together. This traditional approach seems to be more organic and corresponds to the principle of ensemble characteristic for the 18th century art.  
теперь размещены в едином пространстве, даёт наглядное и живое представление об эпохе.

The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

22 November 2013
The collection of the Presidential Library Territory of Russia (section the Russian Federation) has been enriched with video materials provided by LLC “Beautiful Country”.
, складывается восхитительно живой образ нашей страны — многообразной, уникальной, неповторимой. Север

Memory of the world: The large-scale Crimea Military-Historical Festival held in Sevastopol

15 September 2014
In Sevastopol on the Fedyuhiny altitudes was ended the Crimea Military-Historical Festival, which attracted more than 600 re-enactors from different regions of the Russian Federation. At four sites, they presented the audience eight historical periods, in one way or another connected with the history and culture of the Crimea.
Севастополя в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Это самое живое, естественное интерактивное знакомство

Marking the Year of Memory and Glory: “The Great War - the Great Victory. The Library as a Memory Space” All-Russian contest of library projects to launch in March 2020

11 February 2020
In the Year of Memory and Glory, the State Public Historical Library of Russia, under the auspices of the Russian Library Association, is holding “The Great War - the Great Victory. The Library as a Memory Space” All-Russian contest of library projects. It aims to find out the best practices among the Russian libraries on patriotic education and historical education of readers, support innovative developments and technologies, increase the level of library services and share the best practices...
ещё хранят «живую память» о войне. На рассмотрение конкурсной комиссии должны быть представлены итоги

The Presidential Library’s Poetry Club to first hold an evening with Petersburg’s poet

13 April 2019
April 13, 2019 an evening with Olga Atamanova, scholar and poet, playwright, translator, literary critic, member of the Union of Writers of Russia will be held at 17:00 on Senate Square, 3 as part of the activities of the Presidential Library’s Poetry Club.
на английский лад». Вечер 13 апреля пройдёт в формате живого общения. Участники услышат стихи разных лет

Society and Culture: The Interregional Theoretical and Practical Seminar “A Postcard as a Document of Historical and Cultural Heritage” to take place in Moscow

14 September 2019
The Interregional Theoretical and Practical Seminar “A Postcard as a Document of Historical and Cultural Heritage” will be held on October 1, 2019 in Moscow. Librarians, archivists, museum professionals, representatives of research institutions, collectors and all those, who take an interest in postcards, are invited to join the seminar.
в библиотеках, музеях и коллекционерами, продолжают вызывать живой интерес. Об истории открыток существует

Society and Culture: Exhibition “Giacomo Quarenghi. Architect of the Imperial Court” mounted in Moscow

20 May 2019
Until August 18, 2019 the Museum of Tropinin and Moscow Artists of His Time is holding an exhibition of rare graphic works of the Italian master Giacomo Quarenghi from the private collection of Sergei Tchoban — famous Russian and German architect, winner of the European Prize for Architecture, founder of the Museum of Architectural Drawing in Berlin. The exhibition spotlights the career of the Italian architect in Russia, which lasted for almost 40 years.
не только создает живой диалог двух музейных коллекций, но и символизирует то глубокое взаимодействие

Penza pupils introduced to the Slavic Literature

24 May 2019
In Penza, on May 23, 2019, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was celebrated at the Orthodox Book Festival. To this date, the staff of the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library arranged a series of quests "The ABC is not dullness, but a step towards science" for primary students of schools № 76 and № 68 and a video about the history of the development of Slavic literature.
на зарядке «Живые буквицы». Используя фантазию и спортивные навыки, ребята креативно изображали

Interactive lesson "School of Presidents" held in the Penza regional center of the Presidential Library

5 March 2019
March 1, 2019, fifth grade pupils from school № 52 of the city of Penza visited the regional center of access to the resources of the Presidential Library. They learned how the collections of electronic storage are being formed, what materials are presented in it and how to get access to them.
побывал в роли «живой» буквы. На уроке правоведения школьники с точностью определили государственные

Russian language: Vladimir Dal’s birthday may become the All-Russian holiday – Day of Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

28 November 2009
The session of the Society of the Russian Philology Lovers was organized by the Faculty of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University jointly with the cultural and educational program “Dictionaries of XXI century”.
XXI века». Конференция была приурочена ко дню рождения автора «Толкового словаря живого

Society and Culture: New street art project "Thirty-three Letters", devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet, showcased at cultural sites in the centre of Saint-Petersburg

18 August 2020
On August 14, 2020, the Manege Central Exhibition Hall (Saint-Petersburg) launched a new street art project "Thirty-three Letters". A series of installations devoted to the Cyrillic alphabet are showcased at cultural sites in the centre of Saint-Petersburg.
проекта современные российские художники и дизайнеры шрифта создали 15 инсталляций в виде «живых

History and Culture: Exhibition "Empress Maria Feodorovna - Artist and Collector" launched in Petrozavodsk

11 July 2021
The Fine Arts Museum of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk) hosts an exhibition "Empress Maria Feodorovna - Artist and Collector". It spotlights the legacy and collecting activities of Maria Feodorovna Romanova (Danish princess Dagmar), the wife of Emperor Alexander III and mother of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.
западноевропейской керамики. Своеобразные по форме сосуды (пивные кружки, чашки, кувшины) доносят нам живой

Quiz "The ABC is not boredom, but a step to science" for young Penza readers

24 May 2021
Specialists of the Penza regional center of access to the resources of the Presidential Library held a quiz "The ABC is not boredom, but a step to science" for 4th grade students of school No. 74.
«Живые буквицы» ребята изображали буквы как в «Букваре» Кариона Истомина. В конце игры дети получили

Online meeting at the Presidential Library to tell about the history of Russian parliamentarism

20 April 2021
The Presidential Library invites everyone to learn about the materials on the "Archive Fund of the State Duma of the Russian Empire". They will be discussed at the first online meeting from the series "History of Russia: Facts and Documents", which will be available on the institution's YouTube channel on April 20, 2021 at 11:00 Moscow time.
. Сохранённые в архивном фонде, они показывают живую картину жизни России и её жителей чуть больше века

To the International Day of the Native language: The exhibition "Never at loss: the exhibition of dictionaries and about dictionaries" in St. Petersburg

21 February 2017
February 21, 2017 in the hall Korf of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is opening the exhibition "Never at loss: the exhibition of dictionaries and about dictionaries" timed to the International Day of the Native Language.
выставки увидят один из крупнейших словарей русского языка «Толковый словарь живого великорусского

«БиблиоНочь» в Волгоградском региональном центре

22 April 2017
В ночь с 21 на 22 апреля 2017 года в Волгоградской области прошла Шестая ежегодная социально-культурная акция «БиблиоНочь». В Волгоградском региональном центре на базе ВОУНБ им. М. Горького в режиме нон-стоп действия происходили в самых разноплановых направлениях.
живой отклик и интерес читателей. В рамках перечисленных событий более 880 человек посетили Волгоградский региональный центр.

Society and Culture: Exhibition "Graphics of Russian and Western European artists of XVII - beginning of XXI century" in Moscow

25 December 2016
On December 23, 2016 to January 29, 2017 the Sergei Andriaka School of Watercolor (Moscow) presents the exhibition "Drawings of Russian and Western European artists of XVII - beginning of XXI centuries"...
будет увидеть его акварельные работы с изображением прекрасных пейзажей, живых натюрмортов

The historical magazine “Rodina” added to the Presidential Library stock

2 May 2017
Digital issues of the historical and popular science magazine Rodina have added to the Presidential Library stock according to a cooperation agreement between the library and the editorial staff of “Rossiyskaya Gazeta.” The issues of Rodina for 2017 can be flipped through on the Presidential Library website.
или наш современник, и наша главная задача, чтобы этот человек был живым», – отметил заместитель главного

History and culture: Unique images from the TASS photo archive for the first time are presented at the exhibition of photographs "Chief Cadres" in Moscow

1 November 2017
Unique images from the largest in the post-Soviet space TASS photo archive will be shown for the first time to the general public this autumn. From 1 to 24 November 2017 in the Central Manezh (Moscow) an exhibition of photographs "Chief Cadres", which covers almost a century, is taking place.
услышат живые истории о рождении снимков, завоевавших мировое признание. В оформлении экспозиции широко
