On the purchase permission from O. S. Kinda invented in 1879 and built by the aeronautical ship (aerostat) "Russia"
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the purchase permission from O. S. Kindius invented in 1879 and built by the aeronautical ship (aerostat) "Russia".
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Correspondence with the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, the Special Committee on Strengthening the Military Fleet, All-Russian Aero Club and other agencies on various issues: On the draft aeronautical apparatus, invented by V. P. Archaululov;about collecting donations to strengthen the air fleet of Russia;On the opening of the factory of aircraft;On the device of the All-Russian holiday aeronautics, etc.
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).Correspondence with the shipbuilding department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, the Special Committee on Strengthening the Military Fleet, All-Russian Aero Club and other agencies on various issues: On the draft aeronautical apparatus, invented by V. P. Archaululov;about collecting donations to strengthen the air fleet of Russia;On the opening of the factory of aircraft;On the device of the All-Russian holiday aeronautics, etc.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
Vadim Arshaulov (1859-1912), a mechanical engineer and inventor. He developed the so-called Russian diesel. He was a Professor at St. Petersburg Technological Institute, St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute and Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. He used to be one of the Chairmen of the Society of Shipping on the Volga and the Caspian Sea Caucasus and Mercury, developed and organized the creation of a passenger twin-screw motor ship Borodino. In 1920 he immigrated to France, working in the V. I. Yurkevich Design Bureau.
St. Petersburg Province. Drawings of the production of marching inventions in the mountains. St. Petersburg Ligovskaya №44. Portable hangars for airship, airplane, barrack, tent, etc. lithography. b / d.
St. Petersburg Province. Drawings of the production of marching inventions in the mountains. St. Petersburg Ligovskaya №44. Portable hangars for airship, airplane, barrack, tent, etc. lithography. b / d.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
- Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Ogneslav (Ignatiy) Kostovich (1851-1916), an inventor and designer. He was the first to build a gasoline carburetor internal combustion engine and invented plywood. In 1882 he began to create the airship "Russia". In the 1910s, he received privileges and built several aircraft.