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The book exhibition "Jubilee for two: St. Petersburg is 315, Yekaterinburg is 295" in Sverdlovsk Region

3 September 2018
September 3 in the Sverdlovsk Regional Center of the Presidential Library, running on the basis of the V. G. Belinsky Regional Universal Research Library, the book exhibition "Jubilee for two: St. Petersburg is 315, Yekaterinburg is 295" was launched.
на двоих: 315 – Санкт-Петербургу, 295 – Екатеринбургу». На экспозиции можно узнать об истории основания... на двоих: 315 – Санкт-Петербургу, 295 – Екатеринбургу».  ...В Свердловской области открылась книжная выставка «Юбилей на двоих: 315 – Санкт-Петербургу, 295 – Екатеринбургу»

Science and society: The anniversary of the flight “Soyuz” – “Apollo”

15 July 2015
July 15 marks the anniversary of the historic flight of the "Soyuz" - "Apollo". On this day 40 years ago, the spacecraft started, and the legendary "handshake in orbit" took place two days later.
космические корабли стартовали, а легендарное «рукопожатие на орбите» состоялось спустя двое суток... космические корабли стартовали, а легендарное «рукопожатие на орбите» состоялось спустя двое суток.

The first Iskra of Victory. The Presidential Library spotlights breaking of the Siege of Leningrad

18 January 2022
These are lines from an article by a TASS special correspondent “The siege is broken”, published in the newspaper Tambovskaya Pravda.
… Не затихая, бой продолжался почти двое суток. В кровопролитных схватках отвоёвывался каждый метр... мороз… Не затихая, бой продолжался почти двое суток. В кровопролитных схватках отвоёвывался каждый метр

Director General appointed in the Presidential Library

14 January 2019
December 19, 2018 Ilya Leonidovich Bykovnikov was appointed as Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library by the order of the head of the Department of Presidential Affairs.
с практической деятельностью на управленческих позициях в коммерческих и некоммерческих организациях. И. Л. Быковников женат, имеет двоих детей.

Culture and authority: The Minister of Culture told bloggers about the films, which will be released to the anniversary of the Victory

19 February 2014
At the Ministry of Culture of Russia took place the meeting of Vladimir Medinsky with Runet activists. The participants discussed the projects of the Ministry of Culture, current challenges, and plans for the future.
, министр рассказал о крупном проекте «Мосфильма» — фильме «Двое в степи», десяти крупных документальных

International events: For the first time Russia at the head of UNESCO’s Executive Board

23 November 2009
On November, 23 the members of the UNESCO’s Executive Board elected the Russia’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO Eleonora Mitrofanova to head the organization’s Executive Board.
организации."Проголосовали 58 членов Исполнительного совета. "За" - 56, ни одного - против, двое

Internet resources: Thousands of websites suffered from hackers attack

15 June 2010
ScanSafe company experts have registered a massive hackers’ attack which affected thousands of websites. A preliminary investigation proved that malefactors implant their own HTML code to the web-pages which redirects users to harmful resources.
возможность удалённого управления компьютером жертвы. Атака, которая началась двое-трое суток назад

Libraries abroad: One of the first maps with designation of America found in Munich

6 July 2012
At the University Library of Munich was discovered a map of the XVI century, composed by the famous cartographer of that time Martin Waldseemueller from Breisgau, who acted under a Latin name Hylacomylus.
. Открытие сделали двое исследователей, обнаружив документ между трудами по геометрии XVI века, которые

World history: Scythian warriors’ burials discovered in Tuva

11 September 2011
In the Valley of Tsars, Tuva, archaeologists have discovered burials of Scythian warriors in a huge mound with a diameter of 100 meters, said the head of the South Siberian Expedition of the State Hermitage Konstantin Chugunov.  
. По словам археолога, в кургане есть захоронения мужчин-воинов, двое из которых совсем юные

History of Science: 1949 gigantic computer to be rebuilt in UK

18 January 2011
One of the first gigantic modern computers of the 1940’s is to be rebuilt in the UK. The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (Edsac) was one of several early British computers that pioneered the practical use of such machines.
устройств было недостаточно. Машина проработала девять лет. Отчасти благодаря ей двое учёных смогли

Russian museums: Exhibition “Museum and its creator”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of museum composers A. S. Arensky, A. K. Lyadov, S. V. Rachmaninoff, in Novgorod

2 April 2014
April 2, 2014 in the small reading room of the Novgorod Regional Library opens the documentary photo exhibition "Museum and its creator", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Museum of A. S. Arensky, A. K. Lyadov, S. V. Rachmaninoff Regional College of Arts and the 75th anniversary of its founder Valery V. Demidov.
жизнью и творчеством с Новгородской землёй. Двое из них – Антоний Степанович Аренский и Сергей

Memory of Russia: The exhibition “Two shores of one war” in Veliky Novgorod

15 May 2016
In the conference hall of the Museum of Fine Arts (Veliky Novgorodwas opened an exhibition "Two banks of one war".
. Две судьбы. Через 72 года они снова встретились на небольшой, но такой важной для нас, помнящих о прошлом и верящих в будущее, выставке – одной на двоих.

Society and Media: Exhibition “Russian we have preserved”, timed to the 90th anniversary of information cooperation with ITAR-TASS, in New York

7 March 2013
The 90th anniversary of information cooperation with ITAR-TASS is celebrated in the USA. Solemn events with participation of representatives of American political and business elite, the public and accredited in the country diplomas are held in New York on March 7, 2013, and on March 8, 2013 – in Washington.  
20 корреспондентов и редакторов, в Вашингтоне – двое. Тогда же в Нью-Йорке появились первые тассовцы

History and Culture: Exhibition "Soviet Film Poster. The 1950s - 1980s. The Karisalov Family's Gift to the Multimedia Art Museum" opened in Moscow

26 July 2021
The Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow) presents the exhibition "Soviet Film Poster. The 1950s - 1980s. The Karisalov Family's Gift to the Multimedia Art Museum".
», «Вокзал для двоих», «Асса» и др. В Советском Союзе кино было самым массовым искусством. Именно

General Meeting of the Russian Historical Society held at Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation

5 June 2024
On June 5, 2024, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation hosted The General Meeting of the Russian Historical Society.
двое членов Совета РИО: Председатель Геральдического совета при Президенте Российской Федерации

Memory of the World: Large-scale celebrations, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the arrival in the Soviet Union of the first Arctic convoy, start in Russia

29 August 2016
Large-scale celebrations dedicated to the 75th anniversary of arrival in the Soviet Union of the first allied convoy "Dervish", are held from 29 August to 1 September in Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk.
из Архангельской области, Москвы и Санкт- Петербурга, а также десять ветеранов из Великобритании и двоих из США

The Olympiad in the Russian language among the schools of the Chingaltei district ended in Ulan Bator

30 January 2018
January 29, 2018 in the school № 5 of Ulan-Bator the ceremony of awarding winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad in the Russian language and the contest of Russian teachers was held among the general schools of the Chingaltei district of the Mongolian capital.
, золотыми, серебряными и бронзовыми медалями, получили ценные подарки. А двое выпускников

A record number of participants from Tyumen Region reached the finals of "Russia in the Electronic World" Olympiad

18 March 2019
From March 19 to March 21, 2019, the third and final stage of the annual interactive Olympiad for schoolchildren "Russia in the Electronic World" in history, social studies and the Russian language will be held. 352 students from 48 regions of Russia reached the finals.
представлена в выборке лучших работ олимпиады на сайте проекта. В 2016/2017 учебном году двое

Trams and trolleybuses in the city on the Neva: the Presidential Library honored the winners of the Children's Drawing Contest

30 August 2019
Elephants on tram rails and women in outlandish costumes on the streets of St. Petersburg became the main characters in the drawings of the participants of the VI Trams and Trolleybuses in the City on the Neva Contest. The results of the creative contest were traditionally summed up on the eve of the new academic year, on August 29, 2019, at the official award ceremony at the Museum of Urban Electric Transport with the participation of the Presidential Library.
работа 12-летней Анастасии Кудиновой «Трамвай для двоих». Все победители VI конкурса получили

The Presidential Library traced the path of a veteran from Leningrad Region to Manchuria

28 March 2019
The Presidential Library continues telling about the fate of residents and defenders of besieged Leningrad in the framework of a joint campaign with the newspaper Petersburg Diary and Radio Rossiya - St. Petersburg.
1942 года в осаждённом городе от голода умерли его дедушка и бабушка, тётя и двое племянников, у другой

Russo-Austrian troops defeated the Turkish army in the Battle of Rymnik

22 September 1789
During the Russo-Turkish War (1787­–­­1791) the Russian Army won a series of significant victories, among them the victory by the river Rymnik.
. Узнав об этом, А. В. Суворов с отрядом из 7 тыс. человек за двое с половиной суток преодолел расстояние

Birth of Ivan II, the Grand Prince of Moscow and Vladimir

30 March 1326
March 30, 1326 in Moscow, Prince Ivan I Kalita and Princess Elena had a son, Ivan - the future Prince of Zvenigorod and Ruza (1340-1353), of Novgorod (1355-1359), Grand Prince of Moscow and Vladimir (1353-1359). In the history the Prince earned the nickname "Fair"; found in the annals are also other names given to Ivan Ivanovich - "Merciful" and "Gentle."  
в кремлёвском Архангельском соборе. После смерти двое его малолетних сыновей, Дмитрий (будущий московский

The day of the October Revolution of 1917

7 November 1917
On the assumption of the analysis of economical and political situation in the country in autumn of 1917 the leader of the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party V.I. Lenin made the conclusion that a favorable moment to seize the power had come.
захвата власти (из 12 членов ЦК двое выступили против: Л. Б. Каменев и Г. Е. Зиновьев). 12 (25) октября
