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Society and Culture: Photographs of “Travel Around Your Home Country” All-Russian Photo Festival on display in Sheremetyevo Airport
21 September 2018
“Travel Around Your Home Country” photo exhibition is currently underway in Sheremetyevo International Airport, Aeroexpress Terminal, 3rd floor. This is a joint project of Aeroexpress and TRIP2RUS.RU travel portal. On display are sixteen best works of “Travel Around Your Home Country” All-Russian Photo Festival, which portray landscapes and sights of regions of Russia.
Общество и культура: Выставка фотографий проекта Всероссийского фотофестиваля «Путешествуйте дома» представлена в аэропорту Шереметьево
Education and Society: The State Center of Modern Art launched “TECHNE. Teens — The Future of Art” educational program
24 September 2018
The State Center of Modern Art, ROSIZO, is mounting an educational project “TECHNE. Teens — The Future of Art” aimed at teenagers aged 12–16. The educational program is developed by artists, scientists and engineers. Attendees of classes will discover the current trend in modern art — art & science.
Образование и общество: В Государственном центре современного искусства запустили образовательную программу «TECHNE. Teens — будущее искусства»
Society and Culture: Photo exhibition “Memories of the Church. Church of Our Lady of the Sign” staged within Orthodox Book Days in Astrakhan
14 March 2019
Orthodox Book Days, which have been held since 2011, are currently underway in the Krupskaya Astrakhan Regional Research Library. They spotlight different issues related to the spiritual life and Orthodox culture.
Общество и культура: Фотовыставка «Воспоминание о храме. Знаменская церковь» проводится в рамках Дней православной книги в Астрахани
Society and Culture: 24th Crimean Readings and exhibition “Crimea and its Monuments through the Eyes of Modern Artists” to open in Moscow
16 March 2019
The 24th Crimean Readings and the exhibition “Crimea and its Monuments through the Eyes of Modern Artists” will be held on March 16, 2019 in the Institute of Heritage (Moscow).
общества по изучению Крыма (РОПИК), крымоведы, представители музейно-библиотечного и научного...Общество и культура: XXIV Крымские чтения и выставка «Крым и его памятники глазами современных художников» открываются в Москве
Society and Culture: Exhibition “Mosaics of the Epic” dedicated to Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace mounted in Irkutsk
10 May 2019
The exhibition “Mosaics of the Epic”, dedicated to Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace, is underway in the Exhibition Hall of the Volkonsky House-Museum in Irkutsk. The writer worked on this novel from 1863 to 1869. Like pieces of the mosaic the novel features the facts of Tolstoy’s biography, memories of his family members, events of the world history. The exhibition will run through July 21, 2019.
Общество и культура: Выставка «Мозаика эпопеи», посвящённая роману Л. Н. Толстого «Война и мир», представлена в Иркутске
IT and society: New domain registration rules in RU domain enter into force in October 2009
23 September 2009
The new document “RU-2. Domain’s name registration rules in the RU domain” introduced by the Coordination Center for TLD RU enter into force on 1 October 2009.
Информационные технологии и общество: С 1 октября 2009 года вступают в силу новые правила регистрации доменов в зоне .ru
Information technology and society: Draft regulations for domain names registration in .RU and .RF issued
16 September 2011
The Coordination Centre website, the Official Documents section, has published a draft of the Regulations on registration of domain names in .RU and .RF. It is announced in a statement of the company. The project is available for discussion, everyone can take part in it. Also the site contains a feedback form, which can be used to send your comments and suggestions.
Информационные технологии и общество: Опубликован проект правил регистрации доменных имён в доменах .RU и .РФ
Internet and society: By 2015 the number of mobile Internet users will exceed the number of wired Internet
12 September 2011
Analyst firm IDC has published a forecast stating that by 2015, the number of mobile Internet users in the U.S. will exceed the number of users of the wired Internet, which will be a brand new turn for the industry.
Интернет и общество: К 2015 году количество пользователей мобильного Интернета превысит количество пользователей проводного
Society and Culture: “Photo documents at museums, libraries and archives. Shaping collections: history, problems, prospects” workshop in Moscow
11 October 2011
On October 11 2011 the Russian State Library of Art (Moscow) is holding the 8th theoretical and practical workshop which addresses the wide range of urgent problems connected with study and use of photo documents at libraries, archives and museums.
Общество и культура: Семинар «Фотодокументы в музеях, библиотеках и архивах. Формирование коллекций: история, проблемы, перспективы» в Москве
IT and Culture: International Conference “EVA Moscow: Information Society, Culture, Education” in Moscow
28 November 2011
The 13th International Conference “EVA Moscow: Information Society, Culture, Education” is for the first time running at the Russian State Library (Moscow) November 28th-30th 2011. The conference focuses on a theme “Development and Preservation of Digital Cultural and Scientific Heritage”.
XIII Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование...XIII Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование...Информационные технологии и культура: Международная конференция «EVA Москва: Информационное общество, культура, образование» в Москве
Society and Culture: Second International Conference “Art and Science in Modern World”, dedicated to 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov, launched in St. Petersburg
1 November 2011
November 1 - 4 2011 St. Petersburg is running the 2nd International Research Conference “Art and Science in Modern World” which highlights 300th birth anniversary of Mikhail Lomonosov. The forum has been organized by the Russian Academy of Arts and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
художеств – Мозаичной (Императорской) мастерской, где планируется проведение мастер-класса...Общество и культура: II Международная конференция «Искусство и наука в современном мире», посвящённая 300-летию М. В. Ломоносова, в Санкт-Петербурге
IT and Society: Fourth International Conference “Telecom Services Evolution 2011. Promotion of Telecommunication Services” runs in Moscow
12 December 2011
The Fourth International Conference “Telecom Services Evolution 2011. Promotion of Telecommunication Services” is running December 12th–13th 2011 in Moscow.
Информационные технологии и общество: IV Международная конференция «Telecom Services Evolution 2011. Развитие телекоммуникационных сервисов и услуг» в Москве
IT and Society: The Year 2014 will see a 30 million increase in Net surfers
17 March 2011
If current trends in Internet development and penetration remain steady the end of the year 2014 will see a 30-million increase in the number of Internet surfers.
Информационные технологии и общество: К 2014 году число пользователей Интернета вырастет на 30 млн. человек
Информационные технологии и общество: Представлена новая версия корпоративных серверных решений Promt 9.5
3 June 2011
Компания Promt сообщила о выходе новой версии корпоративных серверных решений Promt 9.5. Главное изменение в новой линейке – появление новых языковых направлений (помимо основных европейских языков).
Информационные технологии и общество: Представлена новая версия корпоративных серверных решений Promt 9.5
Information and society: National Web Domain Coordination Center Report 2011 (first six months) published
8 August 2011
The Director of the Coordination Center for the Internet National Domain A. V. Kolesnikov published the report according to the results of the Coordination Centre’s operation for the period of 1 January to 30 June 2011.
Информация и общество: Опубликован отчёт о деятельности Координационного центра национального домена сети Интернет за 1-е полугодие 2011 года
Society and Culture: Exhibition “From the Banks of the River Thames to the Mountaintops of Altai. Paintings and Prints” in commemoration of 140th anniversary of Tomsk State University to open soon
6 September 2018
In commemoration of 140th anniversary of the Tomsk State University, on September 6, 2018 the university and the Tomsk Regional Art Museum are opening the exhibition “From the Banks of the River Thames to the Mountaintops of Altai. Paintings and Prints from the Museum Collections and the Tomsk State University Research Library”. Residents and guests of Tomsk will have a chance to see about 140 notable prints and paintings of Western European and Russian artists and printmakers of 18th–20th cc...
» представлены работы русских и западноевропейских рисовальщиков и гравёров, многие из которых жили и работали...Общество и культура: Открывается выставка «От берегов Темзы до вершин Алтая. Живопись и графика» к 140-летию Томского государственного университета
Society and Book Culture: Exhibition “Books of an Old House: The World of Childhood of the 19th — early 20th c.” launched in Moscow
23 October 2018
From October 23, 2018 through January 27, 2019 the Russian State Library, Ivanovsky Hall (Moscow) is running the exhibition entitled “Books of an Old House: The World of Childhood of the 19th — early 20th century”. An amazing exhibition-game, an exhibition-quest, which gives a chance to travel back to 1918, will attract interest of both children and adults. The exhibition showcases pre-revolutionary children’s books and periodicals in Russian and main European languages from the collections of...
На выставке представлена дореволюционная детская книга и периодика на русском и основных европейских языках...Общество и книжная культура: Выставка «Книги старого дома: мир детства XIX — начала XX века» представлена в Москве
Society and Reading: The All-Russian Conference “Library, Book and Reading in the Life of the Digital Age Generation” underway in Moscow
8 November 2018
On November 8, 2018 the Russian State Children’s Library is holding the All-Russian Conference “Library, Book and Reading in the Life of the Digital Age Generation” in Moscow.
Общество и чтение: Всероссийская конференция «Библиотека, книга и чтение в жизни цифрового поколения» проводится в Москве
Society and Culture: Leo Tolstoy State Museum in Moscow stages the exhibition about charity “A Man to Another Man is … Leo”
6 January 2019
Leo Tolstoy State Museum is presenting the exhibition about charity “A Man to Another Man is … Leo”. It will run until March 31, 2019 in the Tolstoy Center in Pyatnitskaya St. in Moscow.
Общество и культура: Государственный музей Л. Н. Толстого в Москве представляет выставку о благотворительности «Человек человеку… Лев»
History of Russia: The Russian Military Historical Society presents a new series of lectures “Echo of Our Victories”
11 February 2019
On February 8, 2019 the “Names” Book Club of the Russian Military Historical Society (Moscow) launched “Echo of Our Victories” – a new series of interactive lectures, which are designed to popularize the achievements of the military and historical science. The project is supported by the Department of Culture of Moscow.
8 февраля 2019 года в Книжном клубе Российского военно-исторического общества «Имена» (Москва...8 февраля 2019 года в Книжном клубе Российского военно-исторического общества «Имена» (Москва...История России: Российское военно-историческое общество представило новую программу лекций «Эхо наших побед»
IT and Society: 100 Years of Israel’s Haaretz daily newspaper to be made available online
16 February 2019
For its 100th birthday, Israel’s Haarets daily newspaper will be digitized and made available to the public. Haaretz and the National Library of Israel signed an agreement to open digital access to all the issues of the newspaper since its founding in 1919.
Информационные технологии и общество: К 100-летию основания израильская ежедневная газета Haaretz будет оцифрована и выложена в открытый доступ
IT and Society: New items available online in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive
14 February 2019
New materials are now available online in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (Japan).
Информационные технологии и общество: Новые материалы доступны онлайн в электронном архиве редких цифровых материалов Киотского университета
Society and Book Culture: Children’s Book Festival kicked off within St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
17 November 2019
The Children’s Book Festival will be held November 16-17, 2019 as part of the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.
Общество и книжная культура: Фестиваль детской книги открылся в рамках Санкт-Петербургского международного культурного форума
Society and Culture: Draft federal law “On Culture” to be discussed as part of the 8th St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
16 November 2019
On November 16, 2019 the Russian Institute of Art History will host a round-table discussion that will spotlight the draft federal law “On Culture”. The discussion will be held within the 8th St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum. At the round-table meeting due on November 16 experts will put forward suggestions concerning the concept of the draft law.
Общество и культура: Обсуждение проекта федерального закона «О культуре» проводится в рамках VIII Санкт-Петербургского международного культурного форума
Society and Culture: Illustrations for Eugene Onegin novel on display within “The Collection of Colourful Chapters” exhibition in Torzhok
25 November 2019
On November 21, specialists from the Mikhailovskoye Pushkin Museum-Reserve presented the exhibition “The Collection of Colourful Chapters” in the Pushkin Museum in Torzhok (branch of the Tver State Museum).
, иллюстратора классических произведений мировой и русской художественной литературы украшают собрания... русского языка имени А. С. Пушкина, а также в Великом Новгороде, в областном государственном музее-заповеднике.
...Общество и культура: Иллюстрации к роману «Евгений Онегин» представлены на выставке «Собранье пёстрых глав» в Торжке