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Society and Science: International Scientific Conference “Russian Science in the European Context in the First Half of the 19th Century” underway in St. Petersburg

12 November 2019
On November 12-13, 2019 the National Library of Russia (Main Building) in St. Petersburg is hosting the Scientific Conference “Russian Science in the European Context in the First Half of the 19th Century”. It spotlights the legacy of the German scientist Alexander von Humboldt, and his relations with Russian scientists in the broad scientific context of the epoch.
европейскими странами XVIII – первой половины XIX века. – Русская естественнонаучная терминология эпохи... в европейском контексте: трансфер и адаптация научных понятий между немецким, французским и русским...Общество и наука: Международная научная конференция «Российская наука в европейском контексте в первой половине XIX в.» проводится в Санкт-Петербурге

Society and Culture: St. Petersburg in the spotlight of solo exhibition of scene painter Boris Messerer in Moscow

18 November 2019
The Ostrovsky House-Museum, the branch of the Bakhrushin Museum, is presenting a solo exhibition of the famous scene painter Boris Messerer under the title “Between the House of Count Arakcheev and the House of Baron Delvig. St. Petersburg. White Nights. Landscapes”. The exhibition will run from November 15 to December 13, 2019.
Общество и культура: Персональная выставка театрального художника Бориса Мессерера, посвящённая Санкт-Петербургу, представлена в Москве

Society and Culture: Exhibition “The Song of Frost. Arctic Photographs of Sergei Anisimov” to open at the Darwin Museum in Moscow

27 November 2019
On December 3, 2019 the Darwin Museum in Moscow is presenting the exhibition “The Song of Frost. Arctic Photographs of Sergei Anisimov”.
фотографа занимает съёмка животных в дикой природе. Сергей Анисимов – член Русского географического общества...Общество и культура: Выставка «Песнь холода. Арктические фотографии Сергея Анисимова» состоится в Дарвиновском музее в Москве

Society and Culture: The exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculptures "Strong Spirit" in St. Petersburg

23 April 2018
Union of Artists of St. Petersburg with the support of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in the North-West Federal District, the Administration and the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg, the Council for Culture of the St. Petersburg Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, the All-Russian Public Organization of Art Historians and Art Critics (AIS) and the Yusupov Palace presents the exhibition "Strong Spirit".
Общество и культура: Выставка произведений живописи, графики и скульптуры «Крепость духа» открывается в Санкт-Петербурге

Society and Book Culture: An exhibition from the collections of the Pushkin Reserve and the Novgorod Museum-Reserve "V. A. Favorsky. Illustrations to the works of Alexander Pushkin" in Mikhailovskoye

23 May 2018
The exhibition "V. A. Favorsky. Illustrations to the works of Alexander Pushkin. From the collections of the Pushkin Reserve and the Novgorod Museum-Reserve" is opened on May 23, 2018 in the Pushkin Reserve (Pskov region).
Общество и книжная культура: Выставка из фондов Пушкинского Заповедника и Новгородского музея

Museums and Society: The exhibition "Northern Expeditions of the Andrei Rublev Museum. 1963-1971” in Moscow

21 May 2018
The exhibition "Northern expeditions of the Andrei Rublev Museum. 1963-1971” was opened in the Andrei Rublev Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art (Moscow).
музейными сотрудниками из поездок по Русскому северу. Этой выставкой музей отдаёт дань уважения...Музеи и общество: Выставка «Северные экспедиции Музея имени Андрея Рублёва. 1963-1971» в Москве

Internet and Society: " Together for Family Internet: The Role and Opportunities of Libraries" All-Russian video conference to launch in Moscow

12 February 2020
On February 12, 2020, " Together for Family Internet: The Role and Opportunities of Libraries" All-Russian video conference is held at the Russian State Children's Library (Moscow). It is organized as part of the Safer Runet Week (February 11–18) in partnership with the “Do Not Allow” Safer Internet Center.
Интернет и общество: Всероссийская видеоконференция «Вместе за семейный Интернет: роль и возможности библиотек» проводится в Москве

Memory of Russia: The Russian Military-Historical Society to launch a campaign of collecting photographs of war veterans - participants of the Rzhev-Vyazma Offensive

6 March 2020
The Russian Military-Historical Society has launched a campaign of collecting photographs of war veterans - participants of the Rzhev-Vyazma Offensive. It was announced by the Head of the Scientific Department of the Russian Military-Historical Society, Yuri Nikiforov, during a press conference at the headquarters of the "Russia Today" International Information Agency.
Российское военно-историческое общество (РВИО) начинает акцию по сбору фотографий фронтовиков..., воевавших на Ржевско-Вяземском направлении. Об этом заявил начальник научного отдела РВИО Юрий Никифоров... культуры, Российского военно-исторического общества, Музея Победы и правительства Тверской области. Идею...Российское военно-историческое общество (РВИО) начинает акцию по сбору фотографий фронтовиков..., воевавших на Ржевско-Вяземском направлении. Об этом заявил начальник научного отдела РВИО Юрий...Память России: Российское военно-историческое общество объявляет акцию по сбору фотографий фронтовиков, воевавших на Ржевско-Вяземском направлении

Society and Culture: Exhibition from the "Master and Disciple" series of Sergey Andriaka Water Colour School presented in Moscow

9 March 2020
The exhibition from the "Master and Disciple" series will run until March 22, 2020, in the "Garden Ring" Museum. The Sergey Andriaka Water Colour School has been opened for more than 20 years. Andriaka's technique of multilayer watercolors was adopted by many young artists.
Общество и культура: Выставка из цикла «Мастер и ученик» Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки представлена в Москве

Society and Culture: Exhibition “The Many Faces of Russia” in St. Petersburg marks the 180th anniversary of the invention of photography

25 December 2019
On December 25, 2019 the ROSPHOTO State Museum and Exhibition Center (St. Petersburg) presents the exhibition “The Many Faces of Russia”, which marks the 180th anniversary of the invention of photography. It features photographs of the Russian Empire dating back to the 2nd half of the 19th century and early 20th century from the ROSPHOTO collection.
XX века неразрывно связана с именем русского фотографа, путешественника и предпринимателя Дмитрия... археологических, топографических и географических экспедиций с середины 1860-х по 1910-е годы, Ермаков создал...Общество и культура: Выставка «Многоликая Россия», приуроченная к 180-летию фотографии, представлена в Санкт-Петербурге

Society and Culture: Exhibition “The Roerichs. Preserving the Culture” to be launched in Moscow to mark the centenary of the Museum of Oriental Art

3 September 2018
The exhibition “The Roerichs. Preserving the Culture” is opening on September 3, 2018 at VDNH, pavilion 13 (Moscow). The exhibition is timed to coincide with the centenary of the foundation of the State Museum of Oriental Art.
Общество и культура: Выставка «Рерихи. Сохраняя культуру», приуроченная к 100-летию со дня основания Музея Востока, открывается в Москве

Internet and Society: The 1925-1939 issues of Vozrozhdenie newspaper now available online on the website of Princeton University Library

13 December 2018
The 1925-1939 issues of Vozrozhdenie newspaper held by Princeton University Library are now available on its website. For instance, there are all newspaper issues of May 1926, 12 issues of August 1929, 4 issues of May 1939 (at that time Vozrozhdenie came out just on Fridays). Vozrozhdenie was the Russian émigré newspaper that was published in Paris. During 1925—1935 it was a daily newspaper, later, during 1936—1940 it was published weekly.
лишь по пятницам). «Возрождение» — русская эмигрантская газета, выходившая в Париже; умеренно...Интернет и общество: Архив номеров парижской газеты «Возрождение» 1925-1939 гг. выложен в Сеть на сайте Принстонского университета

Libraries and Society: All-Russia Library Congress: 24th Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association to be held in Tula

3 January 2019
The All-Russia Library Congress: 24th Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association will take place May 12 - 17, 2018 in Tula — Russia’s Library Capital’ 2019. Some of the events will be held in Novomoskovsk and several residential settlements of the region. The Congress that is annually held by the Russian Library Association in May ahead of the All-Russia Library Day, is the most significant and the largest meeting of Russian library professionals.
Библиотеки и общество: Всероссийский библиотечный конгресс: XXIV Ежегодная конференция Российской библиотечной ассоциации состоится в Туле

Society and Book Culture: Red Square Book Festival to be launched in Moscow in June 2019

5 January 2019
The 5th Red Square Book Festival will run June 1 – 6, 2019. More than 400 publishing companies from all over Russia are expected to present their stands as part of the six-day event in Red Square. In 2018 the festival was held from May 31 until June 3 in Red Square and on June 6 in Pushkinskaya Square. A total of 200.000 people visited the festival.
Общество и книжная культура: Книжный фестиваль «Красная площадь» состоится в столице в июне 2019 года

Museums and Society: Exhibition “Images of Perfect Beauty. The Oeuvre of Raphael” presented in Astrakhan Art Gallery marks the centenary of its foundation

19 December 2018
To mark the centenary of its foundation the Astrakhan Art Gallery, the Department of Foreign Art, presents the exhibition “Images of Perfect Beauty. The Oeuvre of Raphael”.
кабинете отдела зарубежного искусства открылась выставка «Образы совершенной красоты. Творчество Рафаэля... кабинете отдела зарубежного искусства открылась выставка «Образы совершенной красоты. Творчество Рафаэля...Музеи и общество: Выставка «Образы совершенной красоты. Творчество Рафаэля Санти» представлена в Астраханской картинной галерее к её 100-летию

Libraries and society: The annual meeting of directors of federal and regional libraries, dedicated to the Year of Culture in Russia, to be held in Moscow

20 August 2014
21-22 October 2014 on the basis of the Russian State Library in Moscow will take place the annual meeting of directors of federal and regional libraries. The theme of 2014 is: "Year of Culture: information and educational role of libraries".
Библиотеки и общество: Ежегодное совещание директоров федеральных и региональных библиотек, посвящённое Году культуры в России, пройдёт в Москве

Society and book culture: Round table “The role of libraries in the return of book collections and other cultural property” to be held in Saint-Petersburg

7 December 2014
December 8, 2014 in the main building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) will take place a round table "The role of libraries in the return of book collections and other cultural property".
Общество и книжная культура: Круглый стол «Роль библиотек в возвращении книжных собраний и других культурных ценностей» состоится в Санкт-Петербурге

Libraries and society: The XVI All-Russian Scientific-practical seminar “Problems of regional activity of libraries” to be held in Perm

11 July 2015
The National Library of Russia, the Russian Library Association (section "Local Library Studies"), the Ministry of Culture, the Youth Policy and Mass Communications of the Perm Region and the A. M. Gorky Perm State Regional Library will spend the XVI All-Russian Scientific-Practical seminar (with international participation) "Problems of regional studies of libraries", which will be held in Perm on 5-8 October 2015.
Библиотеки и общество: XVI Всероссийский научно-практический семинар «Проблемы краеведческой деятельности библиотек» состоится в Перми

Society and culture: Conference-webinar “Name of A. S. Pushkin at the literary map of Russia” in the Pskov region

22 September 2015
September 16, 2015 in the framework of the II Inter-regional literary festival "Pskov Autumn - 2015" in the Pskov Regional Center of the Presidential Library was held a conference-webinar dedicated to the personality and work of A. S. Pushkin.
стали преподаватели и студенты Российской международной академии туризма. Специалистом отдела... Людмила Николаевна, начальник отдела музейной научной библиотеки Пушкинского Заповедника (Псковская... Гончарова, главный библиотекарь Отдела рукописей и книжных памятников Научной библиотеки Томского...Общество и культура: Конференция-вебинар «Имя А. С. Пушкина на литературной карте России» состоялась в Псковской области

Libraries and society: Chairman of the State Duma discussed the future of the library system at the meeting with librarians in Moscow

28 May 2015
On the All-Russian Library Day on the 27th of May the State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin have met with the representatives of this important profession.
Библиотеки и общество: Будущее библиотечной системы обсудили на встрече Председателя Государственной Думы с библиотекарями в Москве

Society and Church: "Patriarch. Service of God, the Church and People" photo exhibition, dedicated to the chronicle of the ministry of Patriarch Kirill, in Ulyanovsk

17 May 2015
The opening of "Patriarch. Service of God, the Church and People" photo exhibition, dedicated to the chronicle of the ministry of Patriarch Kirill, has taken place in Ulyanovsk, at the Governor’s Palace of Culture, on May 14, 2015.  
церковной фотографии и деятельностью Предстоятеля Русской Церкви, со дня интронизации которого в этом году... в тематические разделы: «Устроение церковной жизни», «Церковь Святой Руси», «Единство веры», «Диалог с обществом...Общество и церковь: Фотовыставка «Патриарх. Служение Богу, Церкви, людям», посвящённая хронике служения Патриарха Кирилла, в Ульяновске

Society and science: Eight scientific readings in memory of A. S. Popov, dedicated to the Radio Day, in Saint-Petersburg

7 May 2015
May 7, 2015 in the A. S. Popov Central Museum of Communications (Saint-Petersburg) are held the Eight scientific readings in memory of A. S. Popov, dedicated to the Radio Day – the holiday of workers of all the branches of communication.
Общество и наука: Восьмые научные чтения памяти А. С. Попова, посвящённые Дню Радио, в Санкт-Петербурге

Society and Culture: The exhibition "Inspired by the sea", to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Aivazovsky in Nizhny Novgorod

27 February 2017
The exhibition "Inspired by the sea", to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Aivazovsky was opened in Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum.
музей открывает свои запасники и представляет произведения известных русских художников-маринистов... картины ближайших последователей Айвазовского, занявших почётные места в истории русской...Общество и культура: Выставка «Вдохновлённые морем» к 200-летию со дня рождения И. К. Айвазовского в Нижнем Новгороде
