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The Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library organized an event dedicated to Russia’s State Flag Day
22 August 2022
On August 21, 2022 employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library and the Center for Legal Information organized an event dedicated to Russia’s State Flag Day at the Lermontov Penza Regional Library.
присутствовать флаг.
Юные участники игры угадывали архаизмы, выстраивали всей командой слова из «живых
Lovers of wooden architecture from Nefteyugansk and Makeyevka learned materials of Presidential Library
2 November 2024
The Nefteyugansk City Library, the electronic reading room of the Presidential Library based at Khanty-Mansiysk, and the Makeyevka Youth Library from the Donetsk People's Republic organized the Poem About a Tree creative laboratory.
, дерево, керамика, железо, стенопись, набойка» (1948), фильм «Россия. Живые источники души
Educational event at Penza Regional Center of Presidential Library dedicated to magical world of Alexander Pushkin's fairy tales
6 December 2024
On December 5, 2024, the specialists of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library, based at the Lermontov Penza Regional Library, organized an interactive educational event for students of grade 3 at school No. 65. The event was dedicated to the magic of Pushkin's fairy tales.
школьникам предстояло назвать архаизмы из мультфильмов, снятых по сказкам Пушкина. В рамках игры «Живые
Education and society: Options for the creation of a new history textbook discussed in Moscow
21 August 2013
August 20, 2013 the Chairman of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Russian Historical Society during a meeting with historians and writers discussed the results of the work on the historical and cultural standards and the concept of a line of new history textbooks for schools.
недавних опросов, проведённых ВЦИОМ, свидетельствуют о живом интересе к российской истории. Так, 85... процентов россиян гордятся историей России, 59 процентов живо ею интересуются. «Цифры показательны
The Presidential Library: meeting with the media
24 August 2017
Video recording of a recent meeting of the Director General of the Presidential Library Alexander Vershinin with representatives of the regional mass media, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Leningrad Oblast and a featuring the electronic collection on The Leningrad Oblast: pages of history, is published on the library website. A dialogue of the head of the major information center with journalists, which lasted for more than two hours and was of a debating nature, evidenced of the...
в обсуждение ключевых вопросов, в зале завязалась живая дискуссия.
Об исторической точности
Юрий Радченко
Николай Николаевич Зинин (1812–1880)
его как профессора или как ученого... знает, каким замечательным лектором был Зинин: его живая, образная речь всегда
The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
15 May 2015
The News in pictures includes albums of photos telling about the activity of subdivisions of air defense of Leningrad in the period of 1941-1944.
, сапожника и др.
В разделе Защитники Отечества. Живая память собраны документы из личных архивов
The issue of how to tear children away from gadgets and offer them "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" was discussed at the Presidential Library
16 January 2018
The Presidential Library hosted a roundtable discussion on the problems and prospects for the development of children's and youth media. To participate in the event, the main editors, publishers, creative media employees were invited to the children and youth audience (“5 Uglov”, “Kostyor”, “Avtobus”, “Pionerskaya Pravda”, “Yunost”, “Murzilka”, "Children's novel-newspaper" and others); journalists who started their professional career as juniors; representatives of the school, student and...
охотно включились в обсуждение ключевых вопросов, в зале завязалась живая дискуссия.
"Russia would not be what it is now without Peter": the Presidential Library’s materials illustrate the first emperor of Russia
2 November 2020
November 2, 2020 marks the 299th anniversary of the day when Russia became known as an empire, and Tsar Peter I took the title of Great. The history of this day is spotlighted in the authoritative source "Peter the Great, the last Tsar of Moscow and the first emperor of All Russia" from the extensive "Peter's" collection - it is included in the large-scale electronic collection "The House of Romanov. The Zemsky Sobor of 1613" and contains historical documents, business and personal...
реванш. Необходимо было как можно скорее укореняться на новом месте. Живая, кипучая натура царя
Anton Chekhov in memoirs of his contemporaries. Presidential Library marks 165th anniversary of writer
29 January 2025
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, an outstanding Russian writer and one of the most significant playwrights in the history of world theater, whose 165th anniversary is celebrated on January 29th, did not maintain diaries, keep specific notes, or intend to write an autobiography. However, he did create a few sketches.
: «В моём воспоминании образ стоит его, как живой – с грустным, задумчивым, точно устремлённым внутрь..., искажавшей настоящее лицо и живую душу собеседника».
А Александр Измайлов подытожил свой труд «Чехов...: 1860–1904: биографический набросок» такими словами: «Чем-то в высшей степени живым и свободным
Presidential Library presented projects at XVII Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of CIS member states in memory of 80th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War
18 September 2024
On September 18, 2024, as part of the XVII Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which will be held in Ufa from September 17 to 19, the Presidential Library will present educational projects at a round table dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
о Великой Победе» был выделен специальный подраздел «Живая память», в который вошли фронтовые письма
The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
18 April 2014
The Presidential Library collections have been enriched with materials from the D. I. Mendeleev Tyumen Regional Scientific Library, Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library, from a private collection, as well as of its own production, devoted to the Russian literature.
знаменитого «Толкового словаря живого великорусского языка» Владимиром Ивановичем Далем включает более 30..., из живого русского языка, из речи народа». Сборник состоит из тематических разделов: вера-грех
World War I, family archives, Pablo Picasso’s Russian wife considered at the Presidential Library
22 November 2018
The forgotten heroes of World War I, love story of the great artist, a little-known version of the death of Valery Chkalov - these and other topics were discussed by the participants during the presentation of the new issue of the popular science and history magazine Rodina, which took place in the Presidential Library today on November 22, 2018.
издания – не просто описать ход событий, а показать судьбу живого человека в зеркале истории.
Этот... принцип полностью раскрывает материал «Все ещё живы», посвящённый героям Первой мировой войны, которая
The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition of funds of the Pushkin Reserve “From the history of the drama “Boris Godunov”
14 September 2015
The Pushkin Reserve (the Pskov region) hosted the exhibition "From the history of the drama "Boris Godunov" from the museum collections.
памятниками поэт мог познакомиться в библиотеке Успенского монастыря и в живой устной традиции
Museums of Russia: The Literary Museum plans to create a multifunctional museum complex "The Moscow House of Dostoevsky"
1 February 2018
The V. Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature plans to create a multifunctional museum complex "Moscow House of Dostoevsky". January 31 this was informed by the director Dmitry Buck at the Ministry of Culture of Russia at the presentation of the concept of development of the Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature.
в стране коллекция литературных аудиозаписей, которые восходят ещё к Институту живого слова
Society and Culture: Conference “Tolstoy Reading: Lev Tolstoy and present-day world” to open in Moscow
22 July 2018
To mark the 190th anniversary of the birth of Lev Tolstoy, the Lev Tolstoy State Museum (Moscow) is holding regular “Tolstoy Reading” 2018 scheduled for November 20-21 – the writer’s memorial days.
, но самый дух его творчества останется живым на все времена и для всех народов.
Доказательством этого
Book History: The National Library of Russia presents the exhibition “From Avvakum to Agafia: Old Believers’ Handwritten Books in the Collection of M. A. Maksimov”
13 May 2019
The National Library of Russia, Manuscripts Department (St. Petersburg) presents the exhibition “From Avvakum to Agafia: Old Believers’ Handwritten Books in the Collection of M. A. Maksimov”, which will be open until May 29, 2019.
неизвестную страницу самобытной культуры, передаёт живую силу древней традиции. Это редкая
The Presidential Library’s materials tell of Denis Fonvizin’s fate
14 April 2019
April 14, 1745 Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, the future classic of Russian literature of the XVIII century and the creator of the genre of Russian household comedy was born in Moscow. The Presidential Library e-collections present both the “Complete Collection of Original Works” by a satirist, published in 1902 and studies on his life and career.
наблюдательности, живому уму и сатирическому таланту, сумел ярче выставить на сцену и одарить жизнью те самые..., роптать на жизнь Фонвизину не приходилось.
Главные черты своего дарования – «наблюдательность, живой... свободы» и «сатиры смелым властелином». В XVIII веке никто не писал таким живым народным языком... было не в его характере, чрезвычайно живом, беззаботном и весёлом. Фонвизина всюду встречали с распростертыми объятиями
Quest "Alphabet is not boredom, but a step towards science" held in Penza
12 April 2019
On April 11, 2019, employees of the Penza Regional Center of Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library held an event “Alphabet is not boredom, but a step towards science” for second-grade students of school № 56.
напечатали недостающие в тексте буквы.
Школьники так прониклись атмосферой квеста, что зарядка «Живые
Yerevan hosts a meeting of the Coordinating Council of Public Organizations of Russian Compatriots in Armenia
26 August 2019
The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan hosted a regular meeting of the Coordinating Council of Public Organizations of Russian Compatriots in Armenia.
без живого общения, а также без изучения произведений русской литературы. С ними, в частности, можно
Society and Culture: Manege Central Exhibition Hall (Saint-Petersburg) to open an exhibition of artists from different Russian cities
19 June 2020
On August 7, 2020, Manege Central Exhibition Hall (Saint-Petersburg) will open the NEMOSKVA project. The exhibition will present 80 artists from different Russian cities. It is created with the support of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. That exposition is the third stage of the NEMOSKVA project of interregional cooperation in the field of contemporary art.
“, и этот проект – живое воплощение единого культурного поля, в котором нет границ между столицей
History of Saint-Petersburg: Unique documents on the history of Alexandrinsky Theatre are presented
12 November 2012
November 11, 2012 at the Alexandrinsky Theatre (St. Petersburg) opened the exhibition "House of Russian drama: the 180th anniversary of the building of the Alexandrinsky Theater".
.- Но самое потрясающее, что не только снимки, но и сами предметы живы до сих пор, некоторые
Exhibitions: Chinese Popular Picture from the collection of the Museum of the History of Religion presented in Saint-Petersburg
18 July 2013
Exhibition "Travel around Old China with the academician V. M. Alekseyev" (Chinese Popular Picture from the collection of the State Museum of the History of Religion) which opened at the State Museum of the History of Religion (Saint-Petersburg), invites you to take a fascinating journey into the world of the ancient, but still little known Russian public Chinese culture, accompanied by the brilliant Orientalist, founder of the Russian sinology school and a good storyteller Academician V. M....
языка, внимательно наблюдал за бытом и проявлял неподдельный и живой интерес к китайской культуре
The Year of Russian Cinema-2016: Exhibition "How dressed Great dumb" in Peterhof
21 December 2016
December 21, 2016 in the halls of the Big Peterhof Palace is opened the exhibition "How dressed Great dumb", which represents more than 70 items and accessories of a suit of late XIX - early XX century from the collection of the famous St. Petersburg collector Natalia Kostrigina.
» и «королевы» немого кино. Эпоха «Великого немого» началась с показа «живых картин» в знаменитом
Memory of Russia: A new audiobook of the Main Archive of Moscow "Let us worship the great ones of those years ... 1941-1945” is presented
10 November 2017
November 7, 2017, a new audiobook of the Main Archive of Moscow "Let us worship the great ones of those years…1941-1945" was released. The book's release is timed to the Day of Russia's military glory, on this day - November 7, 1941 - a military parade in honor of the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution took place on the Red Square.
свидетельство «живой памяти», рассказ не только о фактической, но и об эмоциональной картине Великой