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The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

10 March 2017
The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with materials provided by the St. Petersburg State University, the State Archives of the Pskov Region, the Berezovsky Regional Non-profit Foundation in memory of the Most Serene Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov.
Музеи и общество: Предметы из фондов Ярославского музея-заповедника будут представлены на выставке «Валентина Терешкова: Первая женщина в космосе» в Лондоне

Internet and Society: The Company "Yandex" to the 150th anniversary of the Dahl Dictionary published a study on the use of his words when search queries

2 December 2016
To the 150th anniversary of the Dahl Dictionary the company "Yandex" has published a study on the use of words from the dictionary with the search queries.
в запросах, но отсутствовали в корпусе русского языка (в Национальный корпус современного русского языка...Интернет и общество: Компания «Яндекс» к 150-летнему юбилею словаря Даля опубликовала исследование об использовании его слов при поисковых запросах

Society and Book Culture: Exhibition "Masterpieces of the livre d'artiste. Gift by Mark Bashmakov" was opened at the State Hermitage Museum

15 February 2017
February 10, 2017 in the foyer of the Hermitage Theatre (the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) was opened an exhibition-event "Masterpieces livre d'artiste. Gift by Mark Bashmakov". 
Общество и книжная культура: Выставка «Шедевры livre d’artiste. Дар Марка Башмакова» открылась в Государственном Эрмитаже

Society and Culture: The exhibition "Pushkin is on the billboard. Theatrical Pushkiniana of the XX-XXI centuries" in St. Petersburg

28 March 2018
In the Western building of the G. R. Derzhavin Museum-Estate (the Pushkin National Museum, St. Petersburg) on March 28, 2018 the exhibition "Pushkin is on the billboard. Theatrical Pushkiniana of the XX-XXI centuries" is opened.
Общество и культура: Выставка «На афише Пушкин. Театральная пушкиниана XX–XXI веков» в Санкт-Петербурге

Information Technologies and Society: International Strategic Forum on Intellectual Property - IPQuorum 2018 was held in Kaliningrad

16 April 2018
April 11-12, 2018 Kaliningrad (Svetlogorsk, the Kaliningrad region) hosts the International Strategic Forum on Intellectual Property - IPQuorum 2018.
, которая совершается на наших глазах, – переход к «обществу знаний» и формирование цифровой...Информационные технологии и общество: Международный стратегический форум по интеллектуальной собственности – IPQuorum 2018 прошёл в Калининграде

Memory of Russia: The Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier was selected in the Russian Military Historical Society

4 May 2018
The results of an open international contest for the project of the Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier in the Tver region were summed up in the Russian Military-Historical Society. The idea to create a monument emerged several years ago. The initiators were veterans of the Great Patriotic War, they were supported by the Ministry of Culture. A total of 19 works were submitted for the contest. The first place was taken by the project of the sculptor Andrei Korobtsov, the author of several...
В Российском военно-историческом обществе подвели итоги открытого международного конкурса на проект...В Российском военно-историческом обществе подвели итоги открытого международного конкурса...Память России: В Российском военно-историческом обществе выбрали проект Ржевского мемориала Советскому солдату

Society and reading: Seminar "Reading of modern children and adolescents: learning, forms and methods of promotion" in Nizhny Novgorod

16 August 2017
August 16, 2017 in Nizhny Novgorod the Russian State Children's Library (RGDB) hosts a seminar "Reading modern children and adolescents: learning, forms and methods of promotion".
Общество и чтение: Семинар «Чтение современных детей и подростков: изучение, формы и методы продвижения» в Нижнем Новгороде

Society and culture: The exhibition "Heroes of the past time ..." within the framework of the scale project "XX century in the Radishchev Museum" in Saratov

17 August 2017
August 17, 2017 the Radishchev Museum (Saratov) hosts an exhibition "Heroes of the past time ...", which presents paintings by leading masters of the "severe style" - one of the most interesting periods in Soviet art.
, посвящённых русскому авангарду, советскому искусству 1920-1930-х и эпохе тоталитаризма 1930-1950-х годов...Общество и культура: Выставка «О героях былых времён…» в рамках масштабного проекта «ХХ век в Радищевском музее» в Саратове

Society and Youth: The program to increase interest in the regions of Russia will be presented in the framework of the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi

30 August 2017
The XIX World Festival of Youth and Students will be held in Sochi from October 14 to October 22, 2017. It will be attended by more than 20 thousand people aged 18 to 35 years, 10 thousand of them - citizens of foreign countries of all continents, from 150 states.
Общество и молодёжь: Программа по повышению интереса к регионам России будет представлена в рамках XIX Всемирного фестиваля молодёжи и студентов в Сочи

Education and Society: The Government of Moscow and the Educational Center “Sirius” in Sochi signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of informatization of education and other spheres

14 September 2017
President of Russia Vladimir Putin, together with Mayor of Moscow r Sergei Sobyanin, visited the “Sirius: Educational Center in Sochi.
Образование и общество: Правительство Москвы и Образовательный центр «Сириус» в Сочи подписали

Society and Book Culture: The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geometry of the Book Space of Youth" in Moscow

21 September 2017
The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geometry of the Youth's Book Space" (Youth Literature and Youth Reading) is held on September 21-22, 2017 on the basis of the Russian State Library for Youth (Moscow).
и образования Министерства культуры России, Русского ПЕН-Центра, Интернационального Союза писателей, Союза...Общество и книжная культура: Общероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Геометрия книжного пространства молодёжи» в Москве

Internet and Society: Portal "Kultura.RF" and the World Wide Fund for Nature launch a joint special project "Place on the map"

2 November 2017
The authors of the portal Kultura.RF and experts of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) have teamed up to work on joint materials on natural monuments of our country - from the Far Eastern Commander Islands to the Curonian Spit near the Baltic Sea. Within the project "Place on the map" the portal plans to release about 20 special materials telling about the flora, climatic and ecological features, secrets and legends associated with the natural attractions of the Russian Federation.
Интернет и общество: Портал «Культура.РФ» и Всемирный фонд природы запускают совместный спецпроект «Место на карте»

Society and Culture: International Readings "Dostoevsky and World Culture", timed to the writer's birthday, in Saint-Petersburg

11 November 2017
XLII International readings "Dostoevsky and World Culture" are held on November 9-12, 2017 in the F. M. Dostoevsky Literary and Memorial Museum in Saint-Petersburg and are timed to the 196th anniversary of the birth of F. M. Dostoevsky .
конференции в музее приобрели статус международных. С 1993 г. музеем совместно с Российским обществом Ф. М...Общество и культура: Международные чтения «Достоевский и мировая культура», приуроченные к дню рождения писателя, в Санкт-Петербурге

Libraries and Society: The development of librarianship was noted in "State Report on the State of Culture in 2016"

27 September 2017
The official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation features the “State Report on the State of Culture in 2016”,
Российской Федерации». Во введении к документу отмечается, что «Государство и общество...Библиотеки и общество: Развитие библиотечного дела отмечено в опубликованном «Государственном докладе о состоянии культуры в 2016 году»

Libraries and Society: The X All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Funds: Problems and Solutions" in Tver

2 October 2017
October 2-6, 2017 in the M. Gorky Tver Regional Universal Scientific Library is held X All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Library Funds: Problems and Solutions", which will focus on the current problems of managing the formation of library funds.
Библиотеки и общество: X Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Библиотечные фонды: проблемы и решения» в Твери

Internet and Society: The National Library of the Republic of Komi presents the educational project of the Goethe-Institut "Children's Online University"

13 June 2018
On June 6, 2018, the National Library of the Republic of Komi hosted the "KinderUni Live Experiments" holiday, at which the "Children's online university" was presented to the general public - the educational project of the Goethe-Institut for children aged 8-12 years, thanks to which you can learn German, get familiar with Germany and receive a variety of useful information.
Интернет и общество: В Национальной библиотеке Республики Коми представлен образовательный проект Гёте-Института «Детский онлайн-университет»

Libraries and Society: 4th International Professional Forum «Book. Culture. Education. Innovations» is opening in Crimea

18 June 2018
The 4th International Professional Forum «Book. Culture. Education. Innovations» is running June 18 - 22 2018 in Sudak (The Republic of Crimea).
Библиотеки и общество: IV Международный профессиональный форум «Книга. Культура. Образование. Инновации» открывается в Крыму

Society and Culture: Final exhibition of “Best of Russia – 2017” photography project opened at Kaliningrad Museum of Fine Arts

19 June 2018
The final exhibition of “Best of Russia – 2017” photography project has opened at Kaliningrad Regional Museum of Fine Arts. Currently on display are last-year’s winning works.
Общество и культура: Финальная выставка проекта «Лучшие фотографии России - 2017» открылась в Калининградском музее изобразительных искусств

Society and Culture: Sketches and illustrations for films and books on the poet's works are presented at the exhibition "Pushkin's Fairy Tales" in Moscow

9 February 2018
The exhibition "Fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin" is opened on February 9, 2018 in the Exhibition Halls of the Scientific Library of the Pushkin State Museum (Moscow). The exhibition features sketches and illustrations from the collection of the Gerasimov All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography.
Общество и культура: Эскизы и иллюстрации к кинофильмам и книгам по произведениям поэта представлены на выставке «Сказки А. С. Пушкина» в Москве

IT and society: Highlights the breadth of freely available digital collections of presidential documents published in USA

7 February 2018
Highlights the breadth of freely available digital collections of presidential documents published in USA.
Информационные технологии и общество: В США опубликован обзор цифровых коллекций президентских документов, находящихся в свободном доступе

Society and culture: IX Annual Scientific and Practical Conference "The Age of Restoration of Suburban Palaces: Tragedy and Triumph" will be held in St. Petersburg

2 January 2018
IX Annual scientific and practical conference to the 100th anniversary of the museum life of St. Petersburg museum-reserves "The Age of Restoration of Suburban Palaces: Tragedy and Triumph" will be held April 23-24, 2018, in the Peterhof Museum-Reserve.
в Музее-заповеднике «Петергоф». В 2018 году императорские дворцы Петергофа, Царского Села... императорских резиденций, после событий 1917 года эти дворцы стали общедоступными музеями. В годы Великой...Общество и культура: IX Ежегодная научно-практическая конференция «Век реставрации пригородных дворцов: трагедия и триумф» состоится в Санкт-Петербурге

Society and science: International Archaeological Laboratory of network type is being created by specialists of the Far Eastern Federal University

25 March 2016
The Far Eastern Federal University under its auspices creates the International Archaeological Laboratory of the network type, which will study the history of the peoples of the Pacific, who lived several years ago, said the press-service of the university.
Общество и наука: Международная археологическая лаборатория сетевого типа создаётся специалистами Дальневосточного федерального университета

Society and culture: The III Photo Biennale of historical and archival photography from Russian museums and private collections in Saint-Petersburg

25 February 2016
The III Photo Biennale historical and archival photos from Russian museums and private collections will be opened in the Marble Palace (State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg) on February 25, 2016.
в Мраморном дворце (Государственный Русский музей, Санкт-Петербург) 25 февраля 2016 года. Биеннале... открывается в Мраморном дворце (Государственный Русский музей, Санкт-Петербург) 25 февраля 2016 года. ...Общество и культура: III Фотобиеннале историко-архивной фотографии из российских музеев и частных собраний в Санкт-Петербурге

Internet and society: Materials of the website of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tuqay will help to participate in the All-Russian action “Journey to the world of Tuqay”

10 February 2016
April 26, 2016 marks 130 years since the birth of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tuqay. Republican Children's Library of Tatarstan invites libraries of the republic serving readers, children to take part in the All-Russian action "Journey into the world of Tuqay".
на русском, татарском, английском языках. Кроме этого, на данном сайте представлена подробная биография...Интернет и общество: Материалы сайта о татарском поэте Габдулле Тукае помогут принять участие во Всероссийской акции «Путешествие в мир Тукая»

Libraries and society: The contest of library projects “Murmansk – capital of the Kola Polar region” to the centenary anniversary of the hero-city

3 February 2016
Since February 1, 2016 the Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library announces the regional contest of library projects – “Murmansk – the capital of Kola Polar region” to the centenary of the hero city of Murmansk, the world’s largest city of the Arctic circle.
Библиотеки и общество: Объявлен конкурс библиотечных проектов «Мурманск — столица Кольского Заполярья» к 100-летию города-героя
