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Общество и культура: Выставка «Борис Угаров. К 100-летию со дня рождения» открылась в Санкт-Петербурге
7 March 2022
В парадных залах Музея Академии художеств (Санкт-Петербург) открылась выставка «Борис Угаров. К 100-летию со дня рождения».
поисков, но и вспомнить его как человека широкой души и доброго сердца.
Выставка работает по 3 апреля 2022 года.
A collection of the Presidential Library dedicated to the defence and siege of Leningrad presented in Buryatia
27 January 2024
The National Library of Republic of Buryatia hosted a library lesson based on materials from the Presidential Library, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege. The event was attended by students from school №9 and Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University.
государственного университета имени Доржи Банзарова Артём Филиппов прочитал стихотворение собственного сочинения «Горящее сердце».
По материалам сайта https://nbrb.ru/
History of Russia: Unique exhibition “Iset diptych” kicks off in Yekaterinburg
22 August 2011
On August 18, 2011 the Museum of History of Yekaterinburg opened the “Iset diptych” exhibition.
им памятник расположен в самом сердце Екатеринбурга. Вместе с тем, до сих не предпринималось ни одного
Russian culture abroad: Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great are presented in Dresden
30 November 2012
November 30, 2012 Dresden opens an exhibition “Russian court from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great. Between West and East” from the collection of Museums of the Moscow Kremlin.
Тема экспозиции выставки как нельзя лучше подходит для Дрездена, расположенного в самом сердце
The Penza Regional Center hosts the Knowledge Day
3 September 2019
Specialists of the Penza Regional Center of the Presidential Library held Knowledge Day for 5 and 6 graders of the school № 74. An excursion into the history of the development of education in Russia was accompanied by practical tasks.
и о всех впечатлениях, свойственных юным сердцам».
Завершились занятия посещением электронного читального
World History and Culture: Relics of Assyrian art from the British Museum go on display at the Hermitage
10 December 2019
On December 10, 2019 the first exhibition of the art of ancient Assyria in Russia - “I founded therein my royal palace” opens in the Manege of the Small Hermitage. The exhibition is organized by the State Hermitage Museum in cooperation with the British Museum, which is home to one of the best collections of Assyrian art in the world.
в IX – VII веках до н.э. представляла собой самую мощную политическую силу эпохи. Сердцем державы
Alexander Herzen illustrated in the Presidential Library’s materials
6 April 2019
Alexander Herzen, an outstanding Russian writer, philosopher and revolutionary, was born on April 6, 1812. The digital collections of the Presidential Library contain many copies of rare materials - belonging both to the pen of Herzen himself and to the researchers of his career and personality. A significant part of these publications is available on the institution's portal.
„состоящею при барине“ под именем Луизы Ивановны в качестве подруги его „сердца“ (по-немецки „Herz“), откуда... зависимости от велений сердца, от малейших колебаний его настроения или чьих-либо убеждений, которые... в Европу, и теперь сердце Герцена принадлежит судьбе Франции, а именно – очередной революции..., его литературный слог, был поистине уникален – потому что шёл из самого сердца. А значит, был понятен
Internet and History: Archival materials about Yevgeny Dolmatovsky - poet, prose writer and war correspondent, published on the Moscow Electronic School’s portal
9 May 2019
Archival materials related to professional activities of Yevgeny Dolmatovsky - a poet, prose writer and war correspondent, are now available on the portal of the Moscow Electronic School.
«Первый рейс. Путевой дневник» и «Африка имеет форму сердца». В числе других произведений
IT and Museums: Ancient artifacts and sculptures of the Uffizi Gallery go online
16 August 2018
As a result of a collaboration between Indiana University (Indiana, the USA) and the Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy), it's now possible to view some of the world's most admired ancient artifacts and sculptures in 3D without traveling overseas. A newly launched website currently contains over 300 digitized sculptures and fragments from the collection.
Уффици, которая располагается в самом сердце Флоренции, хранит одни из лучших мировых шедевров
History of Russia: «Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich and Pavlovsk» exhibition underway
25 June 2018
A new exhibition «Grand Duke Alexander Nikolayevich and Pavlovsk», dedicated to the childhood of the Emperor Alexander II (1818-1881) opened on June 21 2018 at Rossi Palace Library, Pavlovsk Palace.
создают музейные специалисты, позволяет за этими милыми сердцу предметами увидеть образ
The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The exhibition “Mikhail Sholokhov. Nobel rise” in Rostov-on-Don
20 November 2015
November 20, 2015 in the "Sholokhov Center" of the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Rostov-on-Don starts working the exhibition "Mikhail Sholokhov. Nobel rise". This exhibition is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of awarding the writer the Nobel Prize in literature for his novel "And Quiet Flows the Don".
свой долг в том, чтобы говорить с читателем честно, укреплять в человеческих сердцах веру в будущее
The musical atmosphere of revolutionary Petrograd was recreated in the Presidential Library
29 November 2017
A concert of the students of the St. Petersburg Choral College named after M. I. Glinka was in the Presidential Library today, November 29, 2017, as the event of the “St. Isaac’s Square” First Public Festival. Veterans of the Admiralty District of St. Petersburg were the guests on that show.
был возведен великолепный Исаакиевский собор.
«Адмиралтейский район – это сердце Санкт-Петербурга
World culture: “The Path of Nature: French Paintings from the Wheelock Whitney Collection, 1785–1850” Exhibition in New York
2 January 2013
22 January, 2013, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) to open “The Path of Nature: French Paintings from the Wheelock Whitney Collection, 1785–1850” Exhibition.
было увидеть в парижском кабинете коллекционера в первой половине XIX века.
«Сердце коллекции
Minsk hosted the solemn opening of the exhibition "War. No comments"
4 May 2018
To the Victory Day, the information agency and radio "Sputnik Belarus" with the support of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Minsk opened a joint project - a unique exhibition of photos of the Great Patriotic War.
, на протяжении которой выставка будет доступна зрителям, она найдет отклик в сердцах многих
Lev Sidorovsky presented his "Hungarian Rhapsody" at the Presidential Library Cinema Club Meeting
21 June 2017
The well-known journalist Lev Sidorovsky shared his memories of the "pearl of the Danube" at a regular meeting of the Presidential Library cinema club. Laureate of international and all-union competitions, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia presented the viewers the documentary "Hungarian Rhapsody".
смысле этого слова, я стараюсь показать город через личностное ощущение, через моё сердце, через мою душу
Lev Sidorovsky presented his "Hungarian Rhapsody" at the Presidential Library cinema club meeting
21 June 2017
The well-known journalist Lev Sidorovsky shared his memories of the "pearl of the Danube" at a regular meeting of the Presidential Library cinema club. Laureate of international and all-union competitions, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia presented the viewers the documentary "Hungarian Rhapsody".
этого слова, я стараюсь показать город через личностное ощущение, через моё сердце, через мою душу
Memorial dates of Russia: Exhibition project, marking the bicentenary of Ivan Turgenev’s birth, mounted in the Main Archival Directorate of Moscow
10 November 2018
On November 9, 2018 the Main Archival Directorate of Moscow mounted a historical and documentary exhibition timed to coincide with the bicentenary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev – the classical writer of Russian and world literature. Ivan Turgenev’s life and literary career were closely linked with Moscow. The exhibition showcases archival papers and photographs, which revive the atmosphere of the literary life of Moscow in the 2nd half of 19th century. The exhibition will run until...
Тургеневых, которого писатель любил «за его золотое сердце». Особый интерес представляет письмо Ивана
Memory of Russia: Restoration of the Monument to Minin and Pozharsky completed on the eve of the National Unity Day
1 November 2022
The restoration of the monument to Nizhny Novgorod Elder Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was completed on the eve of the National Unity Day. The monument, located in Red Square in Moscow, is the symbol of the holiday.
, общества, как это было и тогда, когда было принято решение об открытии этого памятника в сердце нашей
Specialists from libraries, archives and museums of Kuzbass joined the interregional videoconference of the Presidential Library
20 February 2024
At the initiative of the Kemerovo Regional Center of the Presidential Library based on the Fedorov Kuzbass State Scientific Library an interregional video conference "Siege of Leningrad. Reflections on heroism and tragedy" was held at the Presidential Library. The event was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege. Participation in the conference completed a series of thematic events at the Fedorov Kuzbass State Scientific Library.
, рассказали о той боли, которой отозвалась в сердцах советских людей блокада Ленинграда: как на Урале
History and Russia: Exhibition “Donbass – Russia: History and Modernity” to open in Moscow
17 February 2023
On February 23, 2023, the exhibition Donbass – Russia: History and Modernity will open in the Main Building of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow).
– плакат «Донбасс – сердце России» из фондов ГМЦСИР, изданный в 1921 году. Специально к выставке
День памяти А.С. Пушкина
10 February 2017
10 февраля в Президентской библиотеке прошло традиционное мероприятие – конференция-вебинар «День памяти А.С. Пушкина».
, как первую любовь, России сердце не забудет…». Победитель конкурса 2016 года Ф. Кондратенко, учащийся
Book publishing: The third exhibition from the series “History of publishing houses and printing offices” opened at the Russian State Library
24 December 2013
The Museum of Book of the Russian State Library (Moscow) hosted the third exhibition "Publishing houses of Ivan Yakovlevich Sytin in Smolensk and Orel" from the series "History of publishing houses and printing offices".
— например, в 1819 году он осуществил переиздание журнала Н. И. Новикова «Детское чтение для сердца
The Presidential Library performed music of the last autumn of the Russian Empire
22 November 2018
November 22, 2018 the Presidential Library (Senate Square, 3) hosted the final concert of the musical and educational project “Music of the Russian Statehood” - “Russian Seasons. Last Autumn of the Empire”.
сердца даже коронованных особ. Поэтому не случайно, что произведения из вокальной биографии этих гениев
Social focus of “Tom Sawyer Fest: Walking on the Scaffolding” film discussed at the Presidential Library
2 October 2018
On the eve of the Annual Integration Forum the Presidential Library opened “Tom Sawyer Fest” multimedia exhibition, which highlighted notable results of cooperation between a voluntary movement and sponsors. After that, Demyan Morgachyov's film "Tom Sawyer Fest: Walking on the Scaffolding" was shown at the meeting of the Presidential Library Cinema Club.
ветхих, в основном деревянных, домов массовой застройки, каких немало ещё осталось в самом сердце
Memory of Russia: Exhibition "Monument to the Beginning of the Century... Marking the Memory of Alexander Blok" presented in Saint-Petersburg
7 August 2021
On August 6, 2021, the Alexander Blok Museum (Saint-Petersburg) opened the exhibition "Monument to the Beginning of the Century... Marking the Memory of Alexander Blok".
. Сердце поэта остановилось 7 августа 1921 года в доме 57 по улице Декабристов, где он прожил последние