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Russia and Countries of the World. The Pacific Rim

8 June 2019
In 2012 Russia will first host “The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)” Forum. XXIV annual meeting of the leaders of APEC countries will take place in Vladivostok, 1 – 8 September. To mark the event the Presidential Library has developed a special digital collection including the materials that reflect the relations between the APEC and the Russian Federation which has been a member of the APEC since 1998, as well as the history of international relations in the Pacific Rim.
является членом АТЭС с 1998 года, и историю международных отношений в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе... и Россия», «Отношения России со странами региона». Отдельные документы носят уникальный характер... и Российской Федерации, которая является членом АТЭС с 1998 года, и историю международных отношений в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.

Unique publications from the first Russian round-the-world trip of I. F. Krusenstern - at the Presidential Library new exhibition

5 March – 18 July 2018
March 5, 2018, at 14:00 pm the Presidential Library will host the grand opening of the exhibition "The Way Not Experienced by the Russians Before": to the 215th anniversary of the beginning of the first Russian round-the-world expedition". The exposition, elaborated jointly with the Central Naval Library, will tell about the world tour of I. F. Krusenstern and Y. F. Lisyansky, as well as the history of the development of interstate relations between Russia and Japan in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
отношений между Россией и Японией в XVIII–XIX веках. На выставке представлены уникальные книги... и фонда Президентской библиотеки рассказывают об истории установления дипломатических отношений..., который впервые установил между странами границу, торговые отношения и провозгласил «постоянный мир... межгосударственных отношений между Россией и Японией в XVIII–XIX веках.

Museums of the World: The Museum of Rome will show icons from the collections of two Russian museums

10 October 2017
October 10 to December 3, 2017 the Museum of Rome (Palazzo Braschi) features the exhibition "Russian icon: Prayer and Mercy", which presents more than 30 images of saints from the collections of the Andrei Rublev State Central Museum of Old Russian Culture and Art and the Museum of the Russian Icon. The exhibition is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Sovereign Order of Malta.
. Экспозиция посвящена 25-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией... иконы. Экспозиция посвящена 25-летию установления дипломатических отношений между Российской Федерацией и Суверенным Мальтийским орденом.

Internet and history: Virtual exhibition "Moscow - Ulan Bator. Way of Friendship" is represented on the website of the Central State Archives of Moscow

17 October 2017
Since October 11, 2017, a virtual exhibition of the Main Archival Agency of the city Moscow "Moscow - Ulan Bator. Way of Friendship", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of friendly relations between Moscow and Ulan Bator, is posted on the website of the Central State Archive of Moscow.
– Улан-Батор. Дорогой дружбы», посвящённая 60-летию установления дружественных отношений между Москвой... – Улан-Батор. Дорогой дружбы», посвящённая 60-летию  установления дружественных отношений между

Winner of "Teacher of the Year in Russia" contest told about the formation of public service at the Presidential Library

4 June 2021
Video lecture for schoolchildren entitled “A good official is visible in everything: public service in Russia in the New Time” was held at the Presidential Library on June 8, 2021. The event was attended by students of the Gorchakov MGIMO Lyceum of the Odintsovo branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации... международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации».

Russian Culture Abroad: Illustrations for Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel "The Idiot" on display in Italy

30 July 2019
In 2019 the Russian Center (the Borodina Center for Development of Relations between the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and Russia) in Merano (Italy) is celebrating its 10th birthday. The central cultural event of celebrations is the exhibition of book illustrations for F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot from the collections of the Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature (Moscow) and the Dostoevsky Literary Memorial Museum (St. Petersburg).
отношений между автономной провинцией Больцано и Россией имени Н. И. Бородиной). Центральным... по развитию отношений между автономной провинцией Больцано и Россией имени Н. И. Бородиной). Центральным

The Presidential Library presents the collection to the forum in Davos

25 January 2018
The Presidential Library presents the history of relations between Russia and Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, which takes place in Davos from 23 to 26 January 2018. Materials, thanks to the interaction of the Presidential Library with the “Roskongress” Foundation, are open to all participants, guests of the forum and accredited journalists on the territory of the Russian House.
Президентская библиотека представляет историю отношений России и Швейцарии на Всемирном... и дипломатическое представительство связывают давние дружественные отношения: предшественник Роджера М. Кулля Мишель...Президентская библиотека представляет историю отношений России и Швейцарии на Всемирном

The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The International Conference, dedicated to national literature and multicultural dialogue, in Yekaterinburg

8 April 2015
The Sverdlovsk Regional International Library supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region, and together with the Round Table "Library Services to Multicultural Populations" ....
-практическую конференцию «Гармонизация межэтнических отношений и развитие национальных культур: через...-практическую конференцию «Гармонизация межэтнических отношений и развитие национальных культур: через

Winner of "Teacher of the Year in Russia" contest to talk about the formation of public service at the Presidential Library

8 June 2021
Video lecture for schoolchildren entitled “A good official is visible in everything: public service in Russia in the New Time” will be held at the Presidential Library on June 8, 2021 at 16:00. The event will be attended by students of the Gorchakov MGIMO Lyceum of the Odintsovo branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
институт международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации... институт международных отношений (университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации».

Information Technology and Museums: Korean audio guide to the Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin launched

7 October 2021
The Moscow Kremlin Museums and the Cultural Centre of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation launched a Korean audio guide to the Armoury Chamber. This project is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea. It is part of the 2020-2021 Year of Mutual Interchanges between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, which marks the anniversary of the start of diplomatic relations on September 30, 1990.
и Российской Федерацией 2020–2021 и приурочен к годовщине начала дипломатических отношений, которые... Корея и Российской Федерацией 2020–2021 и приурочен к годовщине начала дипломатических отношений

The Presidential Library’s collection tells about family values in Russia

24 April 2024
The Presidential Library features the collection Family and traditional family values in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood. The history of the development of the family institution in Russia from the times of Ancient Rus' to the present is based on materials from the library's collections. Considerable attention is paid to state policy to preserve and strengthen family values in the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Separately highlighted are the stories of...
отношений различных народов России, вопросы воспитания детей. Данная коллекция была сформирована... отношений различных народов России, вопросы воспитания детей.

Memory of Russia: The exhibition dedicated to the Great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov opened in Switzerland

3 June 2014
The National Museum of St. Gotthard (Switzerland) hosts the exhibition of the Russian artist Alex Doll. The place for the exposition is not chosen by chance: a famous pass St. Gotthard played a key role in the alpine hike of the commander Alexander Suvorov in 1799.
отношений между Россией и Швейцарией и проходит в рамках «перекрёстных» Сезонов культуры. В экспозиции... отношений между Россией и Швейцарией и проходит в рамках «перекрёстных» Сезонов культуры.  

The Presidential Library to attend the international scientific conference The Arctic As An Object of State Policy

13 October 2021
The international scientific conference The Arctic As An Object of State Policy supported by the Committee of St. Petersburg for Arctic Affairs in conjunction with the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University, will be held on October 14, 2021 at the assembly hall of the building of the Twelve Collegia of St. Petersburg State University. The informational partner of the event is the Presidential Library.
международных отношений Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Информационным... рассмотрение актуальных вопросов политики Российской Федерации и приарктических государств в отношении... с факультетом международных отношений Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Информационным

The Presidential Library's materials reveal the activities of Pyotr Stolypin and his love for Motherland

14 April 2021
"Russia met a statesman who loudly and sincerely declared his deep, resolute love for Motherland, honest belief in its creative power and historical vitality. He dared to challenge the unity of all Russian people..." - states the Brochure with Biography of Pyotr Stolypin released on the Presidential Library's portal.
, финляндского вопроса, борьбы со студенческими волнениями, отношений России и Японии и многого... на успех. В этом отношении у Петра Аркадьевича были внутренние опоры, которых, в такой степени... деятельности Государственной Думы, финляндского вопроса, борьбы со студенческими волнениями, отношений России и Японии и многого другого.

History of Russia: Historical parks "Russia is My History" will be emerged in Saratov, Rostov-on-Don and Ingushetia

25 April 2018
April 22, an Agreement on Cooperation between the Russian Military Historical Society, the Patriarchal Council for Culture of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Foundation for Humanitarian Projects was signed in Moscow. The document is aimed at promoting the historical parks "Russia is My History" and the development of tripartite relations in drawing attention to the military history of Russia, patriotic and military-historical education among citizens.
отношений в области привлечения внимания к военной истории России, патриотическому и военно... трёхсторонних отношений в области привлечения внимания к военной истории России, патриотическому и военно-историческому воспитанию граждан.

Russia – Tajikistan: the History of Relations

2 June 2023
The collection covers a significant period of relations between Tajikistan and Russia, from the 1860s, when its territory became part of the Russian Empire as Turkestan Governorate (Krai), to the present. At the beginning of the 20th century, the ASSR was formed first as part of the RSFSR, and then the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic – as part of the USSR. The collection features the constitution of Tajikistan, statute books, administrative and territorial reference books, research studies on...
Коллекция охватывает значительный период отношений между Таджикистаном и Россией, начиная с 1860-х...Коллекция охватывает значительный период отношений между

Russian language: The Vologda region to become the “territory of literacy”

20 March 2013
The social project “Vologda – territory of literacy” starts working on the territory of the region. It is designed to change public attitude to the language.
. Он призван изменить отношение общества к языку. В рамках проекта запланировано множество мероприятий.... Он призван изменить отношение общества к языку.  

Internet resources: Google translates Wikipedia into smaller languages

22 July 2010
Wikipedia is one of the largest sites on the web, yet its latest plans are more ambitions than ever. It wants to double its audience in the next few years, but for that it has to expand on the content already available.
В ближайшие несколько лет многоязычная универсальная Интернет-энциклопедия Wikipedia планирует... на малораспространенные языки. В этом энциклопедии помогут Google, пользователи Wikipedia и переводчики. Совместно...В ближайшие несколько лет многоязычная универсальная Интернет-энциклопедия Wikipedia планирует

IT and Culture: Yasnaya Polyana Museum launched a podcast about relationships in the Tolstoy family

4 January 2023
The podcast “Our Lives are Tied and Laced Tightly”: Tolstoy’s Family Life has been launched. It is dedicated to the relationship between Lev Nikolayevich and Sophia Andreyevna.
отношениям Льва Николаевича и Софьи Андреевны. Писатель и его супруга прожили вместе 48 лет... продолжают задаваться вопросом, как строились отношения в его семье. В подкасте о сложностях совместной...Вышел подкаст «”Жизни наши связаны и зашнурованы крепко”: семейная жизнь Толстых». Он посвящён отношениям Льва Николаевича и Софьи Андреевны.

Internet resources: Voice recordings to appear in Wikipedia

28 January 2014
The Non-Profit organization Wikimedia, responsible for the work of Wikipedia, as well as a number of other public projects, has announced the ability to add voice recordings of famous people to their biographies available in the encyclopedia.
к их биографиям, доступным в энциклопедии. Новый проект получил название Wikipedia Voice Intro Project... к их описаниям в энциклопедии. В Wikimedia говорят, что такой подход позволит лучше понимать биографию... общественных проектов, анонсировала возможность добавления голосовых записей знаменитых людей к их биографиям, доступным в энциклопедии.  

International events: 100-year anniversary of Soviet diplomat’s birthday

18 November 2009
“American-Soviet relations: lessons of responsible cooperation” – this is the topic of the 1-day International Conference which will take place in the Russian Embassy in the USA on November, 18.
«Американо-советские отношения: уроки ответственного взаимодействия» - так сформулирована тема...«Американо- советские отношения: уроки ответственного взаимодействия» - так сформулирована тема
