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Memory of the world: Exposition of the First World War opened in Vienna

2 July 2014
Jun 28 the Vienna Military–Historical Museum presented at the exhibition, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne Fran Ferdinand and his wife, the car in which he went to Sarajevo, the military uniform and the bloody shirt of the heir. 
, символизирующие память о более чем 9 миллионах жертв этой войны, которую сегодня в Австрии...Память мира: Экспозиция о Первой мировой открылась в Вене

Electronic resources: Electronic Memory Book created in the Stavropol region

30 July 2013
The specialists of the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Universal Scientific Library have completed the first phase of the project to create an electronic version of the printed Memory Book of the Stavropol Territory.  
первый этап проекта по созданию электронной версии печатной Книги памяти Ставропольского края... Отечественной войны 1941–1945 годов. Время показало, что Книга памяти, первый том которой вышел... варианта этого печатного издания. Книга памяти Ставропольского края представлена в алфавитном порядке... завершён первый этап проекта по созданию электронной версии печатной Книги памяти Ставропольского края.   ...Электронные ресурсы: На Ставрополье создана электронная Книга памяти

Memory of Russia: Museum of the War of 1812 opened in Kaluga

25 February 2012
February 22, 2012 in the Memorial House of Decembrist G. S. Baten'kov (Kaluga), a member of the foreign campaigns of 1813-1814, opened the Museum of the War of 1812, revealing to the visitors a set of original objects dating to the period of 1812.
Память России: В Калуге открыт Музей войны 1812 года

Memory of Russia: The monument to a chaplain opened in Maloyaroslavets

7 October 2014
A monument to a chaplain is opened in Maloyaroslavets. In the central square of the city, opposite the monument to the Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 Antonio Adamini, the Russian Military-Historical Society is erected a sculptural composition of the People's Artist of Russia Salavat Shcherbakov.
по увековечиванию памяти выдающихся личностей, исторических событий. - Это и серия памятников, посвящённых...Память России: Памятник полковому священнику открыт в Малоярославце

Memory of Russia: The monument to General Skobelev opened in Moscow

9 December 2014
December 9, 2014 in Moscow in the square in front of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation took place the grand opening of the monument to General Mikhail Skobelev (1843-1882) - the captain, the participant of the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878.
Память России: В Москве открыт памятник генералу Скобелеву

Memory of Russia: Battle of Valutino reconstructed in Smolensk Oblast

9 August 2010
Reconstruction of the Battle of Valutino of 1812 kicked off on August 8 in Valutino – Lubino, villages of Smolensk Oblast. The event brought together about one hundred members of military-historical clubs of Russia, Belorussia and Lithuania. It was for the first time that horse cavalry participated in the reconstruction. Reconstructions used to take place in Smolensk district, on the Valutino Mountain, one kilometer away from the present site.
Память России: В Смоленской области реконструировали бой при Валутино

Memory of Russia abroad: Race of valour and glory in Moldavia

17 December 2009
In the end of the year 2009, which commemorated the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, the Moldova Slavic University jointly with “Russkiy Mir” foundation is holding youth educational functions called the Race of valour and glory “Rags of these triumphant banners…”, which is going to take place on December, 17–18 2009.
Память России за рубежом: Эстафета доблести и славы в Молдавии

Memory of Russia: Monuments to Marshal Rokossovsky are installed in Moscow and Volgograd

5 May 2015
Just two of the monuments to Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky - in Moscow and Volgograd - are installed to the 70th anniversary of the Victory at the initiative of the Russian Military-Historical Society (RVIO).
Память России: Памятники маршалу Рокоссовскому установлены в Москве и Волгограде

Memory of Russia: VI International Alexander Nevsky Reading in Pskov

9 June 2015
VI International Alexander Nevsky Reading entitled the “Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky —the Defender of the Russian Land and of the Orthodox Faith” will take place on June 9-10, 2015, in Pskov.
Память России: VI Международные Александро-Невские чтения в Пскове

Memory of Russia: Exhibition "Pushkin Day of Russia" in Astrakhan

6 June 2016
The library of the Astrakhan State Picture Gallery named after P. M. Dogadin announces the "Pushkin Day of Russia" exhibition, which includes the books, albums, catalogs and brochures from the library stock of art gallery, depicting the life and work of a poet and the people around him.  
Память России: Выставка «Пушкинский день России» в Астрахани

Memory of Russia abroad: Monument to Gagarin to be open in Argentina

30 August 2016
August 30, 2016 in Buenos Aires in Planetarium "Galileo Galilei" is held the opening ceremony of the monument to Yuri Gagarin. The event timed to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space, will be the culmination of a joint project of Rossotrudnichestvo Representation Office in Argentina and the Russian Public Foundation "Dialogue of Cultures - United World".
Память России за рубежом: Памятник Гагарину откроют в Аргентине

Memory of Russia: Monument to Alexander III was opened in the Crimea

22 November 2017
November 18, 2017, President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to the Tsar-peacemaker Alexander III. The monument is installed in the park of the Livadia Palace in Crimea, where the Emperor loved to have rest with his family.
Память России: Памятник Александру III открыт в Крыму

Memory of the world: The IX Early Medieval Culture Festival “Isaborg”

2 July 2016
The IX Early Medieval Culture Festival Russia and its neighbors "Isaborg", which is held 2 and 3 July 2016 in Izborsk, will bring together about 130 reenactors from Pskov, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novgorod, Petrozavodsk, Saratov, Minsk, Tallinn.
Память мира: Открывается IX Фестиваль раннесредневековой культуры «Исаборг»

Memory of Russia: The exhibition “On the way to Victory” in Cheboksary

19 September 2016
Cheboksary "Rainbow" cultural exhibition center hosts the exhibition "Toward Victory". At the same time it started the Republican contest-festival of research and creative works in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow in the framework of the project "Great sons of Russia".
Память России: Выставка «На пути к Победе» открылась в Чебоксарах

Memory of Russia: Festival «Princely Bratchina" is held in Staraya Russa

13 August 2016
August 13, 2016 in Staraya Russa (the Novgorod region) is held a traditional festival "Princely Bratchina", which attracts the attention of lovers of folklore, reenactors, and tourists who are not indifferent to the history of Novgorod.
Память России: Фестиваль «Княжья Братчина» проводится в Старой Руссе

Memory of Russia: The collection “Military-Historical routes of Russia” is presented

22 March 2016
The Federal Agency for Tourism together with the Russian Military and Historical Society launched the folio “The Military-Historical routes of Russia”, dedicated toteh glorious history of the Fatherland, the heroism of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
Память России: Представлен сборник «Военно-исторические маршруты России»

Презентация Книги памяти депортированных в Омскую область «Невольные сибиряки»

22 June 2017
22 июня 2017 г. в Омском региональном центре доступа к информационным ресурсам Президентской библиотеки состоялась презентация Книги памяти депортированных в Омскую область «Невольные сибиряки». Среди приглашённых на презентации присутствовали учёные-историки, краеведы, представители органов власти, общественности, архивисты, музейные работники.
библиотеки состоялась презентация Книги памяти депортированных в Омскую область «Невольные сибиряки... библиотеки состоялась презентация Книги памяти депортированных в Омскую область «Невольные сибиряки...Презентация Книги памяти депортированных в Омскую область «Невольные сибиряки»

Memory of Russia: Monument to Prince Pyotr Vyazemsky unveiled in Moscow

24 December 2019
A monument to Prince Pyotr Vyazemsky - a poet, statesman, and the first chairman of the Russian Historical Society, was unveiled in Moscow on December 23, 2019. The ceremony was attended by Chairman of the Russian Historical Society Sergei Naryshkin and Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva.
Память России: В Москве открыли памятник князю Петру Вяземскому
