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Presidential Library and Central Scientific Library of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences signed cooperation agreement
3 September 2024
On September 3, 2024, in Vladivostok, as part of the IX Eastern Economic Forum, held from September 3 to 6, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation and the Central Scientific Library of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
директор Президентской библиотеки Юрий Носов и исполняющий обязанности директора Центральной Научной... фондов обеих библиотек».
В свою очередь исполняющий обязанности директора Центральной Научной библиотеки
Society and culture: The Cultural Forum of Russian regions held in Moscow
23 December 2014
December 23, 2014 in Moscow is held a plenary session of the Cultural forum of Russian regions “Culture – a strategic resources of regional development”.
, которыми легко делиться друг с другом в соцсетях, считает исполняющий обязанности директора департамента
Evening "Old New Year" at the Russian language courses at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague
18 January 2018
The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague brought together students and teachers of Russian language courses to celebrate the New Year in the old style. The celebration of the Old New Year in the Russian language courses became a good tradition, and the students eagerly awaited for this holiday.
исполняющий обязанности руководителя представительства Россотрудничества в Чехии Андрей Кончаков
Russian Museums: The Lermontov Hall is opened after restoration in the Pushkin House
11 June 2014
In the Literary Museum of the Pushkin House (the Institute of Russian Literature, St. Petersburg) was opened after restoration and re-exposition the Lermontov Hall.
временно исполняющий обязанности губернатора Санкт-Петербурга Георгий Полтавченко и председатель
Presidential Library and Institute of Educational Development Strategy signed a cooperation agreement and opened Library's remote access center
20 June 2024
On June 20th, 2024, the Presidential Library of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation participated in a round table discussion on Conceptual Approaches to Historical Education in the General Education System topic, organized by the Institute of Education Development Strategy.
«Ассоциация учителей истории и обществознания» Анастасия Майер, исполняющий обязанности директора... генеральный директор библиотеки Юрий Носов и исполняющий обязанности директора института Максим
Listeners of Russian language summer session at the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Ulan Bator have successfully completed a course
1 August 2018
July 31 the summer intensive courses in the Russian language have been completed in the Russian Center for Science and Culture in the capital of Mongolia Ulan Bator.
курсов русского языка при РЦНК поприветствовала исполняющий обязанности руководителя представительства
The exhibition of Russian artists "Birch Land" opened in the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Prague
19 October 2018
The Russian Center of Science and Culture in Prague hosted the opening of the exhibition of Tver artists and masters working with birch bark “Birch Land” by Alexander Gavrilov, Yekaterina Bochkareva, Andrey Yudin and Nadezhda Ryabova.
и Надежды Рябовой.
Исполняющий обязанности руководителя представительства Россотрудничества
The Presidential Library hosted a chess tournament in memory of Igor Blekhtsin
15 April 2021
The Presidential Library hosted a tournament in memory of Igor Blekhtsin, professor of the St. Petersburg State Economic University and international chess master.
общества «Газпром» Алексей Миллер и исполняющий обязанности генерального директора Президентской
Director General of the Presidential Library
21 September 2022
Since September 21, 2022 by order of the Head of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, Yuri Stanislavovich Nosov has been appointed Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
директора Президентской библиотеки.
С 9 февраля 2022 года назначен исполняющим обязанности
"The Grace of the Russian Soul". Andrei Yudin’s online exhibition presented in Israel, timed to coincide with World Ballet Day
5 November 2020
As part of the celebration of World Ballet Day on October 29, the Russian Cultural Center in Tel Aviv organized an online conference with the artist, a member of the Union of Designers of Russia, the Union of Artists of Russia, the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts, Andrei Yudin, who presented live exhibition of his paintings "The Grace of the Russian Soul” on the theme of ballet and held a master class on drawing.
, исполняющего обязанности ректора Академии русского балета имени А. Я. Вагановой Николая Цискаридзе
St. Petersburg celebrated its 320th foundation anniversary
27 May 2023
The solemn flower-laying ceremony was held at the monument to Peter the Great, the Bronze Horseman, on May 27, 2023 on the Day of the Foundation of St. Petersburg.
, временно исполняющий обязанности Командующего войсками Западного военного округа Сергей Рюмшин
The book about famous coach Anatoly Rakhlin is now available in the Presidential Library collections
7 September 2018
The Presidential Library and the St. Petersburg Regional Public Organization "Judo Club Turbostroitel" signed an agreement on cooperation. President of the club Mikhail Rakhlin, the son of the famous coach, donated the book "Anatoly Rakhlin. Coach" - about the teacher, who for 50 years of activity has trained more than 100 masters of sports. Among his students are people who have become famous not only in sports, but also in politics, science, business.
, и проведение видеолектория о нём для России и зарубежья», – отметил исполняющий обязанности генерального... исполняющего обязанности генерального директора Президентской библиотеки Валентина Сидорина, Рахлин
Veterans of the siege of Gomel Region received memorial signs
30 April 2019
On the eve of the Victory Day celebration, the veterans of the siege of Gomel and Gomel Region received memorial signs “In honor of the 75th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi siege”. The award, established by the government of St. Petersburg, was awarded to 34 citizens with the medal "For the Defence of Leningrad" or the badge "Resident of Blockaded Leningrad".
памятные знаки и поздравительные открытки, исполняющий обязанности руководителя Российского центра науки
Archives: Unique images of Africa published online for the first time
12 February 2011
The National Archives has digitised thousands of unique images of Africa and published them on Flickr this week. The collection spans more than 100 years of African history, from as early as the 1860s, including images of people, places, national and imperial events, conflict and natural disasters.
в описании и осмыслении событий прошлого», - отметил исполняющий обязанности директора
Business meeting at the Tambov Regional Center of the Presidential Library
24 June 2022
June 21, 2022 the Pushkin Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library was attended by the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alla Manilova. The purpose of the visit was to prepare for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the composer Sergei Rachmaninov, which will be celebrated next year.
встреча Аллы Маниловой с временно исполняющим обязанности главы администрации Тамбовской области
The Presidential Library attended the International Library Conference in Minsk
7 December 2023
The Presidential Library's delegation, subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation, attended the International Conference “Information Culture and Information Technologies: The Role of Presidential Libraries”.
с докладами выступили сотрудники Президентской библиотеки. Временно исполняющая обязанности
Young specialists of St. Petersburg Prosecutor's Office took oath in Presidential Library
29 October 2024
On October 29, 2024, a solemn ceremony was held at the Presidential Library, which is subordinate to the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. During this event, 22 young people took the Oath of Prosecutor's Office.
исполняли возложенные на них обязанности, и пожелал молодым коллегам достойно продолжать лучшие традиции
The first president of the Russian Federation retires voluntarily
31 December 1999
On December 31, 1999 at 12:00 the TV channels broadcasted the address of the first Russian President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin to the citizents.
Исполняющим обязанности Президента был назначен Председатель Правительства В. В. Путин, который... временно исполняет Председатель правительства Российской Федерации с 12 часов 00 минут 31 декабря 1999 г
Advanced training courses for teachers of the Russian language launched at the Russian Cultural and Information Center in Sofia
20 November 2019
Advanced training courses for teachers of the Russian language entitled “Russian Language and Culture: Modern Trends in Teaching Methods”, which were prepared by the Moscow State Pedagogical University, were launched in Bulgaria in 2019.
: исполняющая обязанности руководителя представительства Россотрудничества в Республике Болгарии
Russian museums: The Multifunctional Museum Center created in the Leningrad region
15 August 2013
The Multifunctional Museum Center is created in the Leningrad region. It will be created in the village Rozhdestvenno of the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region and the center will be the pilot project of restoration and preservation of the museum’s objects of cultural institutions in the region with the possibility of further implementation of similar facilities in other regions of the Russian Federation.
» председатель комитета по культуре Ленинградской области Наталья Кононенко.
По словам исполняющей... обязанности директора Музейного агентства Ленинградской области Татьяны Балт, этот проект
The Presidential Library: Visit of Patriarch Kirill I
10 October 2009
The Presidential Library was visited by the Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow and All Rus.This event was dedicated to the Assembly of the Holy Synod in the historical building.
, а также исполняющий обязанности управляющего делами Московской Патриархии архиепископ Саранский и Мордовский
Regulations on reorganization of Sakhalin Island’s governance approved
27 May 1884
According to the Regulations on reorganization of Sakhalin Island’s governance approved by Emperor Alexander III on May 15 (27), 1884, the island, which had been under the control of the military governor of Primorye Region, became an independent administrative unit, which was under the authority of the Governor General of Eastern Siberia.
. Они также наделялись судебными функциями по гражданским искам (до 30 руб.), исполняли обязанности маклеров... и его помощники, казначей, переводчик японского и гиляцкого языков, писцы. Начальник острова исполнял в своём... лице установленные «Сибирским учреждением» права и обязанности губернатора, губернского совета... и всех прочих губернских учреждений. На него же возлагались обязанности политического надзора за частными
Birthday anniversary of Alexander A. Vyazemsky, Prince, Procurator General of the Senate, Chair of Law Systematization Commission
14 August 1727
3 (14) August 1727 in the family of naval lieutenant was born Alexander A. Vyazemsky, Prince, Privy Councillor, one of the closest officials of the Russian Empress Catherine II, procurator-general of the Senate (1764-1792), chairman of the Legislative Commission (1767), a member of Council at the Imperial Court (1769), honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1776).
, монетным делом. Фактически Вяземский исполнял обязанности министра финансов и главы правительства... Вяземского разбил паралич. Из-за болезни он уже не мог исполнять свои обязанности в должной мере, и через... был назначен генерал-прокурором Сената и исполнял эту должность до выхода в отставку в сентябре... секретной инструкцией из десяти пунктов, в которой чётко определила обязанности Вяземского
Tambov - Moscow - Simferopol - Krasnoyarsk: the results of the interregional webinar of the Presidential Library summed up
1 March 2019
On February 28, 2019 an interregional webinar “Realize the duty, first of all, before God, then before the society and the state ...”, organized by the regional network of the Presidential Library, took place. The sites in Tambov, Simferopol, Moscow and Krasnoyarsk brought together representatives of the clergy, the medical community, scientists, students, cultural workers who supported the initiative of the people of Tambov to hold the event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the beginning...
28 февраля 2019 года состоялся межрегиональный вебинар «Осознайте обязанность, прежде всего, перед...28 февраля 2019 года состоялся межрегиональный вебинар «Осознайте обязанность, прежде
The Presidential Library hosted the II St. Petersburg Youth Historical Forum "Heroes of the Fatherland"
4 May 2023
On May 4, 2023 the II St. Petersburg Youth Historical Forum "Heroes of the Fatherland" was held at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library. The event was held with the grant support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs.
«История Отечества» Руслан Григорьевич Гагкуев, исполняющий обязанности начальника Управления молодёжных... науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации Ольга Викторовна Петрова, временно исполняющий... обязанности председателя правления Российского исторического общества, исполнительный директор фонда